Wayspot Title: Segnavia - Monte Resegone
Location (lat/lon): (45.8526979, 9.4954095)
City: Brumano
Country: Italy
Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):
Additional Information (if any): Hi, I’m here once again to ask for an overturning of an appeal. This waypoint is a trail marker located in the mountains. You can see the numbers of the trails and the locations are two mountain huts and the top of the mountain. The trail marker is located on a car free road (the only cars that can use the road are the cars that bring supplies to the mountain huts). Thhese kind of trail markers (white/gray and red colors) are positioned and owned by the CAI (Italian Alpine Club). The appeal decision saying that it is ineligible is wrong, and i don’t understand how they came to that conclusion. I found some links to help you:
The CAI (Italian Alpine Club) site of the trail 587: Sentiero 587: Brumano - incrocio sentiero 571 | CAI Bergamo
Another site about the trail 587: Rifugio Resegone
And a site about the trail 576: Sentiero 576: Brumano - Passo La Porta - La Passata | CAI Bergamo
And I also found a video of a guy who hiked that trail. At around 1:04 the trail marker you see on the tree is the same trail marker you can see in the background of my main photo:
Thank you