Unacceptable Discrimination


First, I wouldn’t call this discrimination, as your nominations were properly rejected. ML, the AI system, has been off as of late, and was accepting nominations that don’t meet criteria, as well as rejecting those that met criteria. Niantic disabled ML’s ability to auto-accept nominations, so it can only reject currently.

It’s possible that others in your area have been trying to submit these for some time, and their nominations kept getting rejected. However, when ML wasn’t working right, it may have accepted them.

Player names are not shown while reviewing, so no one knows who submitted. Only if a new Wayspot is featured does a player’s name get listed, but this is something that can be turned off in Wayfarer settings. Only Niantic know who submits and who reviews.

As previously noted, you are welcome to report these Wayspots for removals in-game. If you feel these were submitted abusively, you can use the Report Abuse link at the top of the forums.