Upgraded and in voting but

Wayspot Title: 4 Basketball Net
Location: 55,7045849, 9,5323056
City: Vejle
Country: Denmark

It’s been over a month ago that I upgraded this POI and it turned In voting

I fear it has fallen into a crack never to be found again

I’ve got 2 upgraded that aren’t moving out of “in queue”. I definitely think there’s something funky going on! I’ve just started my only thread, but thought I’d reply here in case I see an answer to you first! Good luck.

I have stuff in voting and it won’t let me upgrade it. E2 error. Yay

Just curious about something, it kinda looks to be in the middle of the street. Where is it exactly?

The road has been closed permantly and a small city square has been created with some benches and 2 play areas

I see, from the picture alone it looked unsafe. But if it’s closed, it’s okay.

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I have a lot of nominations from october that seems that nothing happends…

Just wanted to upload a picture of the area, now that the POI has been rejected with the reason: Mismatched Location

Is the area new? Maybe it’s different in google.

Yes, it’s about a year old