Why on earth are upgrades used automatically
- by default - instead of actively picking one to upgrade?
How many have lost their first upgrade to this flawed design before realising that you have to turn it off? - where does it say so?
Seems not really rewarding and very demotivating to me.
“You just go do another 100+”
I try to share this with any new reviewer I see. I have no idea why the default is to ON
Welcome to the forum @Rhobocop and I hope this post gets some traction!
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Thanks for your feedback. We have shared it with the team for their consideration.
Happy Exploring!
I’d suggest, turn “Automatically Apply Upgrades” off for all users and then remove this option completly from Wayfarer.
It’s a relict from the early days of Wayfarer (or OPR) and no longer necessary.
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Thanks for the replies, they dont give much hope for improvement i’m afraid.
A shame Cyndie, that you feel you have to spend your time this way.
Tobi’s reply indicates that this has been the case for way too long and that they dont really care (imo) or else something should have been done by now.
So i guess im done reviewing poi’s for now with this attitude towards a seemingly easy fix. Its just such a cheesy move for a “rewardsystem”.
Take care
Actually, they have removed the “Upgrade Next” button recently, so I am hopeful that bringing this up again will get it corrected. There is no need to have the default to ON if you can’t mark something to “Upgrade Next” now. I am just so used to this being the way it is that I didn’t even think to ask to have it fixed. I am glad you brought it up.