Maybe, just maybe @cyndiepooh 's copypaste message for newer users won’t be needed anymore
Thanks for addressing this!!
I’ve always wondered, I currently have 56 upgrades available. If I turned automatic upgrades on would they all get used immediately, or do they take time to apply?
I was so lucky that I started submitting before reviewing, so I found the Auto Upgrade and turned it off when I did start reviewing. And I’ve never used Upgrade Next.
This is for sure a welcomed change!
Really good quality of life update, thanks!
I have not been in this position, but I have been told that they take some time to apply. @Trollfarer has 1000.
They would apply 1 by 1 at 12 hr intervals (based on community research).
I can’t express how excited this makes me!
Recently we have seen the message received when you earn an upgrade corrected, the confusing “Upgrade Next” button go away, and now “Automatically Apply Upgrades” default setting changed to off. This is so encouraging that change can happen.
I am trying to think what else I am so used to that I just ignore it to push for next. I think the in game prompt wording that says you are submitting a game location would have to be an update from those teams, not this one. Fingers crossed for a new “New Review Flow” with an option to reject for not meeting criteria and no option to reject for “Generic Business.”