When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:
Wayspot Title: Cartel parque del este
Location (lat/lon): 40.598766,-3.250768
City: Alovera
Country: Spain
Screenshot of the Rejection Email
Additional Information (if any):
As you can see in the pictures the sign has disappeared and could not be found.
Thank you.
Hola! Volvió a ser aprobado? Veo que reportaste este mismo wayspot hace un tiempo en este tema: Wayspot Appeal: Cartel parque sabiduria
Hola! Sí, lo volvieron a aprobar y se vuelve a reportar por que no existe ningún cartel esa ubicación. 
Thanks for the appeal, @krase073. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspot in question.
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Hi @NianticAtlas , I think something is wrong because the portal is still online. Can you please fix it. Thank you! 
Hi there! We’ve already retired the Wayspot in question and you should see these changes reflected soon.
Hello! Sorry to insist @NianticLC @NianticAtlas , but I think you haven’t pressed the correct buttons to delete the waypoint, because it is still online (1) Ingress Intel Map
Also, investigating the map I have discovered that it is duplicated with another waypoint in the area
Please make the necessary changes so that the fake portal (1) stops appearing in the game’s portal network. Thank you very much.