Wayspot Check Request

Hello Support & Admins,

kindly asking to check wayspot at/around 49.983120 - 8.593538 named " Angelsportverein Mörfelden 1962 e.V.". Is it possible that a power spot is preventing the wayspot for showing up (almost has the name)? Checked the area earlier and mentioned poi should not interfere with gym nextby. Appreciate any feedback and position.

Thank you very much

Hey, this is not a support problem. Your wayspot doesn’t fulfill the inclusion rules of Pokémon GO, it shares an S2 cell with “In der Fremde ankommen”. There can only be 1 Pokestop or Gym in such a cell.

hm, surprise.
Can you please give me the exact location Lat / Lon

49.9831680, 8.5935130

As you can see your wayspot in pink shares the same level 17 cell as another which is in blue.

well, not happy today …

My poor eyes can’t make out what you are trying to show with these screenshots. If you are saying that the Wayspot is misplaced but you can’t submit an in game location edit, you can request that through Help Chat on the Wayfarer site at Niantic Wayfarer

A speech bubble will come up where you can give information. They will want evidence that the move is a real life correction, and will not do a move just to put something in a free cell for game purposes if the location is already correct.

I’m more under the impression that they showed the difference bewteen different cell maps, pogomap info namely has inaccurate cell lines, which is why I usually advise against using it if one can


The cell lines are not actually inaccurate on PogoMap. They do match up perfectly with the lines on IITC. It’s just that the PogoMap satellite imagery is very bad. It’s low quality and not taken from the same perspective as Google Maps satellite view, so it gives the wrong impression for people who solely rely on it.

