Wayspot approved one eyar ago never show up in Pokémon go

I submit a wayspot wicht was approved one year ago and never came on pokemon go. I want to know why

It’s probably in the same level 17 s2 cell as an existing pokething.

How can i fix it ?

You generally don’t. Each game has its own inclusion rules and not all waypoints make it into all games.

Have just another pokestop in the same s2 17 cell. And have to many place which have a lot of pokestops nears itother. How can not ?

The one Pokéstop or Gym per Level 17 S2 Cell rule applies everywhere.

A few years back there was a flaw with the system, which meant that location edits didn’t get checked against this rule. Some people abused this to make clusters that shouldn’t be possible. If you see some locations like this where it’s clear that there’s been large scale abuse in the past that has resulted in more Pokéstops and Gyms than there should be in an area, you can report it to Niantic and they will clean up the area.

Welcome @Arnaldoneto
If you are happy to do so can you provide the name of the wayspot and the location (co-ordinates are good but a full address will do).
We can then have a look at the exact situation and clarify things for you.

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the wayspot name is Quadra do sabiá, and location is " Estrada da Limeirinha, 800 - Distrito de Bonfim Paulista, Ribeirão Preto - SP, República Federativa do Brasil - Bonfim Paulista, Ribeirão Preto - SP, 14033, Brasil. Street View"

Estr. da Limeirinha - Bonfim Paulista

Ribeirão Preto - SP

-21.251076, -47.811748

“Quadra do sabiá” is in the same level 17 s2 cell as “Parquinho de madeira”

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how can i fix that?
cause, i dont understand, i know so many places that have a lot of pokestops so close each oather. probabilly at the same level 17s2 cell

There is no “fixing” a Wayspot that was submitted in the correct real life position. Since only cell lines matter, it is possible to have four Pokestops very close together where the cell corners meet.

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“Quadra do sabiá” could certainly be a bit closer to the edge of the field so that it does not interfere with active games. If left in the hands of someone with the free will to ignore a specific suggested edge and instead choose which edge, they might choose one that does nothing to help any specific games, though.