Wayspot is not visible in ingress and pokemon go

Hello. One of my nomination was accepted 11 july. Is still not visible in pokemon go and ingress. There is any problem with system?
This nomination is alone in cell.

And other problem. One of my nomination is accepted is visible in pokemon go (it’s gym) but I can’t see it in ingress and ingress map.

Can I have the address or coordinates? I might be able to figure it out. Also, what’s the name of the wayspot?

Each game has proximity rules. If something isn’t in Ingress, it’s usually because it’s within 20 metres of an existing Portal. New wayspots need to be at least 20 metres away from an existing Portal to go live as a Portal themselves.

If you’re using IITC or the Ingress Map, this may mean there are wayspots you can’t see that exist in Pokémon Go but aren’t in Ingress, as Pokémon Go obviously uses a different proximity rule (one Pokéstop or Gym per Level 17 S2 Cell).

If you provide the name and coordinates, we can help check it out.

51.91715881989851, 16.18796246513471
It’s new library in town.

There are 31 meters between visible points.

The Wayspot exists at the coordinates 51.916994, 16.188133 which is in the occupied cell.

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I was going to say that reviewers may have moved your pin in voting if they did not feel it was correct, and it looks like that is what has happened.

That is also within the 20m circle for Fontanna przy Pałacu