Wayspot reinstation appeal

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: Mural “Lobo y Luna”

  • Location (lat/lon): 43.412903,-3.578175

  • City: Hazas de Cesto, Cantabria

  • Country: Spain

  • Additional Information:

  • Portal with overclock feature was wrongfully removed, I append Google maps evidence for reinstation:
    Google maps streetview (Data from Aug 2023)

  • Wayspot Title: Escudo Nobleza

  • Location (lat/lon): 43.413247,-3.576603

  • City: Hazas de Cesto, Cantabria

  • Country: Spain

  • Additional Information:
    The shield is located in a medieval house style origin in a small square of the village, I append Google Maps evidence where you can see its location.
    Google maps streetview (Data from Aug 2023(

I have videos from both POIs. However, the current forum format does not allow to upload these files. I would gladly send them to the chatbot if requested.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

at first glance this looks like a private residence, do you have evidence that it is not?

Yes I do, but as I said on the last part of my post, I have recordings showing that there are no restraints for any wayfarers to pass by. However, the evidence cannot be submitted to the forum due to format limitation.

according to niantic, people being allowed to pass by is not sufficient. if the building is a private residence then a wayspot there is not eligible

Both of those look like they could be on private residential property. The Wolf and Moon could also be considered to have unsafe pedestrian access due to being directly next to the road with no footpath.

Hola @XenialVonKarma como te han comentado otros usuarios, ambos wayspots forman parte de una propiedad privada unifamiliar, por lo que fueron correctamente removidos. No puede existir ningún wayspots en los muros de cierre, fachada, interior o en los terrenos de una propiedad privada unifamiliar. En caso de estarlo, al ser reportados serán eliminados al ser este un criterio de eliminación.
Aquí tienes un tema que explica un poco todo esto: Private Residences, Farmland & K-12

@hankwolfman Hi! It seems that wayspots is in a rural area of Spain, where the sidewalk and the road are the same. This is very common in a lot of countries in Europe (if I don’t remember wrong you are European too?) and in these areas the cars usually go slow so is not considered unsafe or without pedestrian access. Personally I would accept this if it wasn’t at a SFPRP wall.

Let it be known the fact that whereas the guide of wayfarer is universal, its interpretation differs from countries and cultures (e.g. manholes Japan vs. USA).

Regarding the shield, heraldic inscriptions are well known in small villages and enhance wayfarer explorer purposes. They can be found at the facades in public streets with pedestrian access. Many of them have Medieval origins and some even come from the last century. However, they all become part of the historic cultural heritage and landscape of that village.

About the private property question, I asked the wayfarer who I am representing for more relevant evidence to submit to the present topic. Hereby, I present a picture of the access, there is a small tunnel which leads to the central street of the village and does not hinder the access to the property owner or causes any major disturbance to the rest of inhabitants of the village. Unless Niantic has some piece of evidence that I am not aware of yet (such as the official complaint from the owner), the claim of the private property is under dispute, as you do not need to jump or need to intrude inside the property to gain access to the wayspot.

Furthermore, regarding the pedestrian access and safety issues of the second wayspot. Let it be known that the general speed limit in all ways inside a city or village in Spain is 30 km/h. Special consideration takes place when the way specially narrow or curves are present where this limit can be even lowered. No signals are present next to the wayspot which could indicate that a harm is present. Moreover, a pedestrian is allowed to stay on the side of the road when no pavement is present.

Finally, I would like to remark that those wayspots are located in a small village and not in a big city. Removal of some of them will set a dangerous precedent for remote players in Spain.

Hola! Que el wayspot esté en una zona rural no es una justificación para permitir la existencia de este tipo de wayspots. Aquí no hay ninguna interpretación que valga, la ley es la ley. Todo aquello que esté en el muro y cualquier cosa que pertenezca a una propiedad privada unifamiliar ha de ser eliminado o rechazado ya que es una propiedad privada y puede desembocar en problemas legales para Niantic. Que sea parte de la historia cultural del pueblo, por desgracia, no lo descarta de ser eliminado por formar parte de una propiedad privada.

En cuanto a esto, realmente no está bajo disputa de nada. No es necesario entrar o colarse dentro de la propiedad para molestar a los propietarios. El rango de acción de algunos juegos como Ingress es mucho menor que otros como es el caso de Pokémon.
En resumen, no se pueden hacer excepciones por países o por zonas. Los criterios están establecidos de forma que han de cumplirse.

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Thanks for the appeal, @XenialVonKarma We have taken another look but stand by our decision to retire the Wayspots.