Wayspot Removal Appeal: Mass-crafted items

Wayspot Title:


City, Country:
Taipei City, Taiwan

Screenshot of the Rejection Email:


Evidence to support your appeal:
Here are photos of the two Wayspots:

Yes, you can notice that they are very similar, almost identical.
Although the compass on the ground is considered an object for guiding direction, But here (Ximending) it is not only not rare, but also a mass-produced item.

Take the first Waypsot as an example. There is an identical compass directly opposite it, diagonally opposite it, and opposite it. The same is true for the second Wayspot.

I condensed the compass photos with the same diagonal angles into one photo, and marked the ground compass with a yellow circle. If you need street view, you can check it here:

Google Street View(A)
Google Street View(B)

According to the investigation, in the early days, every intersection here had a compass on the ground. As time went by, as the landscape changed and the roads were repaved, some compasses were preserved, while others simply disappeared.

Other compass on the ground:

Thanks for the appeal, @EONloveu After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspots in question.