Wayspot Removal Appeal: Objects cannot be found at the coordinate location

Wayspot Title:
(A) 大武崙漁港
(B) 步道指示牌


City, Country:
Keelung City, Taiwan

Screenshot of the Rejection Email:



Evidence to support your appeal:

Original Photo of this Wayspot:

I went to the latitude and longitude of this Wayspot and looked around. I couldn’t find the red brick floor and the carved stone in the picture at all. I once suspected that it was on the inside of the shore, but from the past and present Streetview, I still couldn’t find above two pieces.

Scaniverse link, was taken by me last month:

Street scene here in 2012:

Street scene here in 2024

(It can be found that nothing has changed from ten years ago)

I suspect this is a Fake Waypsot, the real location is elsewhere

Original Photo of this Wayspot:

This is an information board introducing local mountain trails. Judging from the original photos of Wayspot from 10 years ago, it is unlikely that this wooden information board would have existed in humid northern Taiwan for too long. Sure enough, when I visited, the introduction board had disappeared.

Attached below are 10 photos(geotagged) I took at the same longitude and latitude, as well as the Scanivese panorama. You can notice that even though there are height differences on the trail, the information board has long since disappeared.

I found a video on Youtube of visiting this trail, which filmed 2 years ago. The 2:49 part of this video happens to be where the information board is. Comparing it with the last photo above proves that the information board has disappeared.

Scaniverse link:

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Thanks for the appeal, @EONloveu. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspots in question.