Wayspot Title:
City, Country:
(A)(B) Taipei City, Taiwan
(C)Taoyuan City, Taiwan
Screenshot of the Rejection Email:
Evidence to support your appeal:
Original Photo of Wayspot (A):
According to the date on this Wayspot image, this carved floor should have existed 11 years ago. However, looking through the street view 11 years ago or earlier, this place is just a narrow pedestrian passage, and there is no similar object.
Attached is the Scaniverse I took: 橫科里 - @EONloveu on Scaniverse
Later, I used image reverse search and accidentally discovered that this floor tile should be located in the Wulaokeng Scenic Area in Suao, Yilan, over 90 kilometers away.
- Flickr Photo
- Google Maps Markers about Wulaokeng
- Travel Blog
(Can be seen in the third to last picture)
Based on the above evidence and inferences, we can conclude that this Wayspot is a Fake Wayspot or was deliberately misplaced here, and should be removed.
Original Photo of Wayspot (B):
The actual location of this dinosaur shape trimmed with leaves is a little bit off from the current longitude and latitude of Wayspot, which can be found here
(Around 24.9978893,121.5809737)
However, according to the latest street view, this dinosaur shape no longer exists.
Original Photo of Wayspot (C):
This Wayspot is a sculpture located in the basement of a shopping mall. A related Magazine interview article can be found here
According to the article mentioned, this is an amusement park located in the basement of this shopping mall. However, the basement of this mall has been renovated many times and the original appearance has been greatly changed. This Wayspot cannot be found at the moment.
This is the Scaniverse I took at this coordinate:
And I found a street view photo from 2017.
In this street view, you can see the store “ATUNAS” on the left.
The store and terrain are basically consistent with the cover photo.
However, the original playground terrain had been demolished as early as 2017.
Photos of the basement taken by other Google users in the past few years, can also confirm that the Wayspot has disappeared.
Other photos in Google Map Markers of this shopping mall:
Other Note: When I applied to remove Wayspot (A), I attached a link to Scaniverse.
Unfortunately, it does not work as claimed.