Wayspot Removal Rejection Appeal - Free Library

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: Free Library - Take a Book, Leave a Book
  • Location (lat/lon): 31.88834° S, 115.75935° E
  • City: Scarborough
  • Country: Australia
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any):

The Little Free Library is installed on the boundary brick wall of the residential property located at 11D Pearl Parade, Scarborough. This library is located near the rear access gate of this property. The pinned location for this wayspot appears to have been set on the grassed/paved thoroughfare that runs past past this address. The property located at 11 Pearl Parade Scarborough comprises 4 seperate townhouses and is not an apartment complex. Please refer to the following link for further evidence that this property is residential - https://www.realestate.com.au/property/11d-pearl-pde-scarborough-wa-6019/. Accordingly, I believe that this is an invalid wayspot as it relates to an object located on residential property and respectfully request that you kindly review your previous decision not to remove this wayspot.

The correct Wayspot Title is: Free Library - Take a Book, Leave a Book


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@NianticAaron Have I followed the correct procedure to get this decision reviewed by Niantic as it has been several days since I created this appeal (my first ever) in the chat. Thank you

Appeal Accepted - Thanks for the appeal, Explorer. We took another look at the Wayspot in question and decided to retire it.


@NianticAaron Following this wayspot being retired back in July, the wayspot has now reappeared as “Free Library - Take a Book, Leave a Book”. The location of the Little Free Library (LFL) remains unchanged. The LFL remains installed on the brick fence next to the exit gate of a private residential property. The wayspot location for the “new” wayspot has been set on the roadway (in comparison to the previously retired wayspot) to potentially give the mistaken impression that the LFL is not located on private residential property. Is the previous report (and supporting photos) sufficient to get the “new” replacement wayspot retired or do I need to lodge a fresh report?

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@NianticLC Can you please look at this and provide me with some guidance. Thank you.

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@NianticAaron This wayspot has been removed on two previous occasions and has now reappeared for a third time as “Pearl Nautilus Reserve Little Free Library”. The location of the Little Free Library (LFL) remains unchanged. The LFL remains installed on the brick fence next to the exit gate of a private residential property. The wayspot location for the “new” wayspot has been set on the roadway (in comparison to the previously retired wayspot) to potentially give the mistaken impression that the LFL is not located on the brick wall of a private residential property. Based upon the previous reports (and supporting photos), it would be appreciated if you could please arrange for the “new” replacement wayspot to be removed (again)

@NianticAaron Can you please look at this and advise whether or not I will need to submit a fresh request to remove this wayspot OR can the wayspot be removed on the basis of the two previous approved requests to do so.

Have you also filed an abuse report on this? Either through help chat or the Reporting Abuse form linked at the top?


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Thanks for the appeal, @HinduLoveGods. We’ve retired the Wayspot in question.

No, I haven’t submitted an Abuse Report as I am unsure that the wayspot has been created by the same person all three times. I will submit such a report in the event that the wayspot reappears for a fourth time.

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Thanks for all your help