There is a wayspot in my neighbourhood which has no description. I googled its title and its address but it returns no other information about the location except for the Ingress website. How can I seek inputs on the significance of the wayspot or if not, how can I propose to remove it? For info, the image at the wayspot is still valid, so scanning it on the spot in the app would not help.
A description isn’t required for a Wayspot. You could use the link “Wayspot Removals” on top of this forum page to read the support pages - it will tell you if, and how you should report it.
Could you post the coordinates to this Wayspot, so people here can take a look as well? People here might give you some insights of what they think of it.
The coordinates are Latitude 1.313012 and Longtitude 103.905840.
Title is “Wen Zhang Palace”. I think the wayspot has been around a long time but there has never been a palace there. It is an old, run down building with trucks parked outside the property. I am not sure what they do in it but it looks like a light industrial place.
I tried to googled more about it hoping that there is a history that can be written into the wayspot description but nothing came out from the googling.
Yes, I have read about the “Wayspot Removals” but it seems like the focus is for owners to request for removal.
The alternative is to go through the app and raise it as a pokestop issue but there is no option for “insignificant spot”. Raising it as an invalid spot is inaccurate since the spot is indeed there and the wayspot photo is accurate. Or I could change the title of the pokestop but there is nothing meaningful to change it to.
That’s poor advice as spamming reports can have you see penalties to your account at worst. I would rather recommend to focus on one, well informed try.
Yes, the actions you can take are dependent on what it is, what kind of territory it is located on, and what actually exists there in real life.
As said above descriptions were previously not required, and older wayspots sometimes have poor photos and unhelpful titles.
As suggested above I would try to gather evidence to confirm what this was before and what it currently is. Then depending on this it could be an edit to clarify the title and add a description or a removal report if the wayspot is for something that is no longer there.
I recognize this is difficult, there are many wayspots out there with vague titles that make it hard to know how to proceed or what it even is, but it is largely due to the fact that some of the wayspots in the database are now quite old.
Thanks all for the advice. There is nothing I can find on google. When I walked past it, there was nothing at the entrance suggesting what the place was. It’s definitely not a palace and not a place of worship. I think I will try to speak to someone at the place if possible.