What did I do wrong?

Te pasa como a nosotros, de repente metieron la IA para agilizar las votaciones y a mi entender es un error, me baso en que lo que es objetivo en algún sitio, puede ser subjetivo en otros y lo único que hacen es que nos cabreemos e incluso como poco dejemos de votar y en su defecto se podría eliminar los juegos de los móviles, con lo que eso supone.
Nosotros tuvimos unas votaciones en las que tanto en la foto de apoyo como en la descripción final se daba cuenta de que no existía la carretera ya y no tenía salida, pues bien los rechazan por inseguros, un merendero que tiene carretera de entrada y salida independientes, también lo votan con inseguro y sin interés, llega un momento que te cansas de mandar wayposts por estos temas.

Welcome to the forum, and I am sorry that you are frustrated. If you have a nomination you would like feedback on to see if we can help you, please feel free to post it. I would recommend starting a new topic in this category for yours.

Gracias por el comentario, de momento esperaré a las apelaciones, aunque es mucho el tiempo entre una y otra, en algún caso volveré a pedir el Waypost, pero claro, como a muchos otros, se hacen las peticiones estando de vacaciones y después igual se tarda tiempo en volver.
Reitero mi agradecimiento.

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another weird rejection. im not understaning this AI at all
Qeparo Vlorë County

Not Accepted


Rejection Criteria

Wayfarer criteria


beautifull beach


2RX6+9V Qeparo, Albania

Supplemental Information

a beautifull rocky beach

What a lovely beach! We see “Wayfarer criteria” as a rejection reason when the ML (machine learning ai) model has rejected a nomination. The email will mention “our team” instead of the community.

While this is gorgeous to humans, I don’t think the ai could detect anything it could recognize in the photo. There is a lot of concrete, rock, water, and sky in the photo, and no sign.

There is no street view in the area, so I really can’t make a suggestion for a different way to take the photo. And I don’t know how the appeals team will feel about this being a distinct point to visit, but you could try an appeal to Niantic where humans will review it. You get two appeals that are each on a 20 day timer.

This looks like an incredible destination, and hopefully there are items around the resort that the ai may be more likely to recognize.


this does show on street view, still under construction i think. if this is a statue, this is something ML understands.

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this must be wayyy out of date. i think they need to do something about this ai. i mean its all banches and trail markers now, they make the upload process way to hard for people

I understand that the situation in the US is vastly different from the situation around the globe. I love that we have ambassadors from all over the world working with Niantic and bringing up these issues.

look at this also, like parks here dont have signs like in the us, at least not all…

Wayspot Submission for Solei Park

Jalë Qarku i Vlorës

Not Accepted


Niantic Note

Thanks for the appeal, Explorer! The nomination is an eligible Wayspot. We would recommend to submit with the place marker sign representing the Wayspot location/object which will increase the chances of this nomination getting approved. We also recommend that you review the Wayspot content guidelines: Content Guidelines — Wayfarer Help Center

Rejection Criteria

Wayfarer criteria

Other Rejection Criteria


a small park next to the beach


Rruga Jali 30, Jalë, Albania

Supplemental Information

a fresh green oasis next to the sandy beach of Jala

To be fair, all I see is a walkway lined by hedges. Where is the park?

oh how frustrating! They agree it is eligible but needs a sign? i do see that your photo of just a (gorgeous) path does not really show a place to pin a wayspot so that you can recognize you have arrived when you reach it…

what is this structure?

if that is an entrance to the park, maybe you could take the photo centered on that?

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its a park in the middle and a few beach houses on the sides, it open to the pubic and the house lawns merge with the park itself. its like a nice oasis next to the beach quite tranquil. but im learing AI love signs more than a prety picture, so thats another hard lesson to learn

What you have in your picture is not what one normally calls a park. It is a walkway. It is lovely, but the picture will likely be rejected because it just shows a walkway.

This is such a lovely area for just one portal to exist! So many things look interesting on the map. What is this covered area? This looks like a great place to gather

I started to go through and pick out things I would try to submit, but you said that street view is out of date. I would try a lot of the tourist destinations, because they clearly encourage explorations. The restaurants and taverns, too, because they definitely look like someplace a person would take a friend. I see a diving center, and a pool, and several marked photo ops - those are worth checking out. If you get some photos, hopefully we can make recommendations on how to successfully submit them as game locations.


I think there is a lot of potential here.
@cyndiepooh has started to look and i was looking too.

In order to find the good objects you need to alter how you are looking at things, as this well help you identify the good things and why they are fitting criteria.

It help if you could take some photographs around a pool area so we could see the pool, and the surrounding space and if there is anything other than loungers present for example a bar area.
Is there play equipment for children.

If you can show us we can advise.

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Wow! That brings back memories.

Though I do think that:

However, I see that the image contains birds.

still wins out over

We would recommend to submit with the place marker sign representing the Wayspot location/object

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that stop that you see was ust added by me. i swear its the least interesting thing in this whole beach. i have about8 or 9 waypoints pending so i guess we will se in a few days, while 6 or so have been rejected.
it keeps feeling like to much work and to many hoops to jump through just to add stops.
the street view is about 7 years out of date at least.
can we post videos in here? i could get a video of the place to give u guys a better idea

Can you share one or 2 of the pending ones please?

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i get this. but you have a great eye for photos from those you have shared, and once you get the hang of how to frame a wayspot, i think you are going to love adding them. and if you don’t, you can give up.

Wayspot Submission for Ejona Piceri Restorant

Jala Vlorë County

In Queue



a local restorant serving traditional dishes and pizzas


4PC2+4QP, Jala, Albania

Supplemental Information