It typically means a reviewer thinks they could identify you or thinks you left “calling cards” to indicate it was your submission. It might be used if your reflection is visible one of your photos or you put “thanks, l3artosz” in your support text.
Or it could be a misclick or misunderstand of criteria for the person(s) who rejected.
Hello and welcome!
I hope the above reply has answered your original question. I also noticed the “Generic Business” rejection.
While this has the similarities from the last example that it resembles a hammer, the sign is used throughout the chain store’s branches. It would be reviewed similar to the golden arches of a chain restaurant.
Eso me pasĂł a mi en varias ocasiones hasta que me di cuenta de los errores que estaba cometiendo a la hora de quitar las fotos, por un lado tuve que darme cuenta de la marca de agua que por defecto traen todos los telĂ©fonos activada y por otro lado a la hora de quitar las fotos habĂa otros dos detalles de los que no me daba cuenta y eran por un lado salĂa mi sombra y por otro la colocaciĂłn de la mano en el telĂ©fono que salĂan en algunas ocasiones los dedos en la foto, es cuestiĂłn de acostumbrarse y esto si que no tiene apelaciĂłn, está muy claro.
I had one sign get rejected twice for submitter identifiable before I asked someone what was happening, and @Gendgi was the one to point out that my reflection was showing in the matte sign clearly enough for someone to identify me in the full resolution photo
I know to check for reflections in glass, but I did not know to check a painted sign…
I remember submitting a LFL, and after checking it in Contribution Management, I could see my reflection in the glass a little too well. I withdrew the nomination, because I don’t want people to recognize me.
Also, I agree that this appears to just be a hardware store, and having a mascot doesn’t necessarily make it eligible. Many small businesses have mascots these days, as it’s not hard to get one drawn, but I don’t consider a hardware store a great place to be social/exercise/explore. I would’ve rejected for generic business.
TambiĂ©n hay muchĂsimas fotos en las que se ven personas y no deberĂan verse, ni en la principal ni en la secundaria, las fotos sin personas y sin reflejos (me rechazaron una nominaciĂłn hace unos dĂas por eso y al ir a apelarla me di cuenta y ya no hice la apelaciĂłn.)