Which rewards are you mainly doing the Challenge for?

I can’t put up a poll on these forums (as far as I know) so no options to select from, but what reward(s) is motivating you to do this Challenge?

Are you all about the Upgrades? Just want an OPR Live medal tick? Keen to use all those Sundrops on Peridot?

For me, the OPR Live medal is the main thing. The Kinetic Capsules and Incubators will be nice, everything else comes in time anyways in the games so is a little bonus.

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I totally agree, for me it’s the OPR live medal :sunglasses: It’s a special medal that is hard to get. The kinetic capsules for Ingress are also nice. To be honest I couldn’t be bothered for any other of the rewards. I have more Wayfarer upgrades than I am able to use. The rest of the rewards for Ingress and PoGo aren’t that special (I also quit PoGo because of Niantic’s poor customer service in that game). The reward for Peridot is OK I guess, but we probably won’t get it as we are way below the target for the reward :roll_eyes: I also find it interesting reviewing things in Japan and Germany for language practice. The US I mostly skip unless it’s a slam dunk review :sweat_smile:

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Which rewards are most important to you?
  • The sense of pride and accomplishment
  • The friends we made along the way
  • Getting an opportunity to review NvlblNm’s nominations
0 voters

I definitely want the tick on the OPR badge. But I’ll take all the Sundrops I can get :heart_eyes_cat:

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Well if I’d known I could have encountered your nominations…then I definitely would have tried to squeeze in some time. You should have said or did I miss that :sunglasses: :sunglasses:

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I’m here for the OPR medal (yay, tiny .pngs in my profile) and for all the upgrades i can get, which i promptly use to get most POIs on the map before next Pikmin sync that will never happen.

It was in the announcement post when the challenge started:


For me it’s just about doing it for the first time. I didn’t do the last one as I had no idea how to translate it all easily, and wasn’t very confident in reviewing. Just achieving the goals as a community seems pretty cool.

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Oh it showed as an unavailable name for me, thats why I missed it. :upside_down_face:

I want the OPR Live medal since it is something harder to obtain. I just completed 500 reviews tonight, so hoping for that to appear! :slight_smile:

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Just a reminder that the arrival of rewards can take time. The distribution will take place between 23 May - 5 June.

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Wayfarer upgrades is what I was after.

I create public art in my community and I prefer to nominate it and have it voted on with the correct artwork title and details rather than having some random person nominate it with a typo and bad photo.

The upgrades help me get it through the voting fast and then it’s in game usually before too long.

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