Next wayfarer challenge when!

We have April now and a great backlog again worldwide
So why should we not have challange again?

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Great question! Our team has been assessing the backlog as well as being able to build on the type of challenge. Once we have more to share I will be sure to update the community.


Would be so nice to have them regularly like mentioned at end of 2023 :wink:


Nomination Challenge :ok_hand:


Iā€™m also eagerly awaiting the next challenge, and hoping my country will be included! :sweat_smile: fingers crossed!


New ā€œOPR Liveā€ Initiative
Agents achieving the top Individual Tier of selected Wayfarerā€™s community challenges will now be granted an increment to their ā€œOPR Liveā€ medal count, coupled with additional rewards. Please note that the Wayfarer challenges selected will be limited to not more than one per quarter, ensuring a strategic and measured progression and that challenges granting the ā€œOPR Liveā€ medal reward will be clearly marked as such. Not all Wayfarer challenges will reward ā€œOPR Liveā€ medal credit.


If nia needs ideas, focus on central Asia & Africa :rofl:


I donā€™t disagree. Unfortunately there werenā€™t any countries with a large enough backlog for us to focus on. Even since our last challenge, the backlog isnā€™t back up to where it was at the beginning of the last challenge which is why weā€™re looking to get a bit more creative about how we do them which is taking us some time.


haha would the challenge be how many you could get nominated in one week :sweat_smile: idkā€¦

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Itā€™s a good thing itā€™s not that big as before the challange :joy: letā€™s keep that

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Waves a Canadian Flag around


Canada :canada: would be nice, hopefully the English part :joy:

How about a ā€˜world wideā€™ back log. All nominations all the time.


I think with Niantic promoting the quarterly bonus location change may be why we havenā€™t gotten a new global challenge yet. Allowing us to change our bonus location every 3 months I bet helps with the backlog.

Reminder, you have until 5pm PDT today, April 9th, to change your bonus location.

It would be nice to just do a ā€œweā€™re all in this togetherā€ challenge and do a worldwide challenge to clear out everyoneā€™s queue.

I really donā€™t get the backlog being not big enough. In the AMA last year, it was mentioned that the goal was to get nominations without upgrades down to a two-week window, I have nominations for months in voting. How can you then say that there no room for a global challenge but you do allow a bonus location change, that by the way has no chance of changing anything if it is not coordinated.

As being mentioned here, do a global challenge to clean up the backlog for everybody then starting from a first in, first out principle.


Any updates you can provide?

Maybe we could be presented with oldest reviews first for a period? Clear that out, if its possible? Still for our own area/country, since I dislike reviewing in other languages.

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