Why was my Wayspot rejected?

I am new to this, just started playing Pokemon Go again after being inactive for some years. I realised I can suggest pokestops now, so I added some. One was accepted (a playground), but one was rejected and I am wondering why!

The place is an art installation on the garage roof of a roof tiler. There is grass (or something like that) on the roof and several sheep, also a sheepdog.

The Title is: „Schafe auf dem Dach“ ( = sheep on the roof)

The Description is: „ Schafe auf dem Dach der Dachdeckerei Lux“ ( = Sheep on the roof of roof tiler Lux)

Further info: „ Die Schafe auf dem Dach sind der Hingucker der Langgasse in Mondorf. Das Foto wird ihnen kaum gerecht, da man höher stehen müsste um alle Schafe ganz aufs Bild zu kriegen. Seit vielen Jahren zieren sie das Dach und werden von Passanten stets bewundert“

I consider the sheep installation as art. It’s well known in our village and passer-bys always admire them.

One problem may be that the picture doesn’t live up to reality. Since the sheep are on a roof and I am not that tall, I can’t photograph all of them on one pic, I would have to stand somewhere higher up.

Or is it the title or description maybe? What can I change so it gets accepted?

There is no duplicate. Also there are not many other Wayspots in that area, so I don’t think that is the problem.

Last question: Is it better to appeal or resubmit?

It appears to be on single family private residential property, which would make it ineligible.

Welcome @Angschi

This looks like it is in a residential neighborhood. Is garage at a business or at the home of the local tiler? So it may have been rejected for Single Family Private Residential Property (SFPRP).

I cannot read the rejection reasons but one appears to be Wayfarer criteria. This can mean that the Machine Learning (ML) could not find an eligible item in the photo.

It’s a business location. But might be possible that it wasn’t recognized as such by reviewers. Maybe I should resubmit and add google search which shows that the roof tiler has his business place there?

Oh, and I think there are no rejection reasons listed, at least I didn’t see any. It just said „wayfarer criteria“. I don’t know what that exactly means :sweat_smile:

There’s no signage whatsoever to suggest it is a business property. There’s also no business listing on Google Maps. It looks exactly like a house where the tiler lives.

“Wayfarer criteria” typically means that ML (the machine learning ai Niantic uses) either could not detect anything eligible, or detected something it had been taught is not eligible in your nomination. I think it goes mainly by the photo, but it could also use the text. Your email will say it was rejected by the team, and normally this happens about 24 hours after you submit the nomination.