Why was this report rejected

  • Wayspot Title: Bridge at Jefferson Township
  • Location (lat/lon): 34.063633,-84.432763
  • City: Roswell GA USA
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email:
  • Additional Information: The actual location of this object is in the front yard of a private residence. The pinned location is in the middle of a road. Why was this report rejected? To make matters worse, I first reported this 2 months ago and never got a reply. Are some response emails still broken? I reported it again this week and got a prompt (wrong) response. Retire this wayspot.

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Lol, thats terrible.

Great reporting, outcome lot worse…

@NianticAaron is this your secret base come on admit it you wanted your own Personal Waystop didn’t you :joy::joy::joy:

Oh, I never got a reply on one I submitted on Sep 2, now that you mention it!

Edit: resubmitted and accepted overnight.

Thanks for the appeal, @tehstone. After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspot in question.