Rejected removal report for portal in intersection of 6 lane road

When submitting a Wayspot Appeal, make sure to include as much of the following information as possible:

  • Wayspot Title: Welcome to Perris

  • Location (lat/lon): 33.804726,-117.199966

  • City: Perris, CA

  • Country: US

  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any): I came across this in reviewing. Here is the current location of the portal.

Quick question, wouldn’t a better solution be to move it to the correct location versus retiring it from the map? If you can verify it’s where it is in the picture?

If I could have found it, I would have used help chat to do just that. But I didn’t see it. Maybe someone wants to spend their time looking for it and they are welcome to do so. Just get it out of that intersection.

Street View at the pin does not even look like the road in the portal photo

and even less like it facing south

Good catch! Someone was trying to be a sneaky explorer!

Or had a glitch in submitting. I don’t see benefit to anyone from its current position. But this location is hazardous.

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Correct location seems to be 33.801291, -117.200272

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This report was rejected because the Wayspot was moved to its correct location.


Thank you! I wish the rejected report told me that.