Will be rejected as a "sensitive location"?

Possibly “unsafe access” or “low quality photo” would be appropriate.

Have you moved on reviewing? I’m not sure what text could have helped, but I usually like to see everything before deciding how to rate.

Yep, moved, let you know when again get the same review back.

My main doubt is that, “Arch” is located centre in the road and busy road both left & right side, as per my view lack of safe place to stand or access the wayspot. Possible even nominator do it while running in vehicle.

Yes, my concern is similar.

I understand some areas might consider it acceptable to walk in the road, but you also need to consider how people would be focused on their phones. If the arch extends off of the road or there a place where people can safely gather then it might be acceptable, but I don’t see that in this photo.

I don’t think the photo specifically meets rejection reasons, but it’s unfocused enough and there’s a lot of irrelevant objects in the photo. Photo Guidelines — Wayfarer Help Center