Worth an appeal or not?

I dont include full text (in norwegian) but its something like «resting place in the woods» with some comments remember uphold bonfire phrobition in summer time.

Context: i have walked many miles, mapping out in a rural woodland area (even got lost in dark amd mud and had to get myself triangulated with outside help to get out lol. Digression)

Anyway. I started adding keyspots (signs and trailmarkers), and then walked routes, I now consider suggested ways for someone to walk to not get lost. Some of the trails are pretty hard to see.

Now. Im bored myself to death with the endless
Trailmarkers crosses myself, so I try find interesting POI that is something else than trailmarkers. Lets be honest, the trailmarkers in themself sre not so exiting.

Also, you have to actually walk a bit, on trail, but not comfort zone easy peasy. Along one of these route mappings, I added a permantent resting/bonfirecamp.

Is it an interesting place to come upon ? Yes.
Does it encourage training ? Yes.
Is it a place people can socialise (if you walk in a group ? Yes.
Is it a forests/wildernesstrail ? Yes.

Not the end of the world, but its a pitty places that this is rejected with «not wayfarer criteria».

So, do I have a valid point and try appeal, or is it a no brainer let it go and continue with the endless trailmarkers, as they for some magical reasons are more fun to walk to than places like this ?

Calling my folk @Trollfarer to help with local stuff!

I can’t answer you, but can suggest that you emphasize that people gather there around the fire to socialize (if they really do), and maybe sure your Supporting Info has something to prove that it’s permanent, like a link to the campground website or something.

This looks like a great hiking destination and a place to socialize. Try appealing or resubmitting it again

I have no idea if people socialice here or not :joy: I walk these hiking trails solo. For me, it brings joy finding these spots.
People actualy did something here. And its not esay spot to go to lol. For that you can go city centre and spin everey 10m fot interesting spots as starbucks, commercial signs and «wall art».

I give you an adventure, and try find actual interesting routes and places to explore. The day I suggsted this place, a small flock of deer ran out just in front of me. Is this not wayfarer-interesting, but starbucks next to bigmac is ?

:joy: ty will do. Unforunate it will take me some hours walk there again to resubmit.
Time Id prefere map to the west for more places and spots to explore.

Im just trying build a local roadmap and tours in what I consider awsom low key area. It DOES require marching boots of sorts. Whats the harm in having this spot, inbeteeen about 1 km beteeen «my» pokestops (signs).

You dont do this route for the number of spots, but I ensure you will find a lot of excelent areas. Why not give the polemon hikers a treat ?

Last week i walked the route with saw and axe to clear the path from fallen trees :joy:

If you know the location, you can use the same photos to resubmit up to 10km away with POGO. You can download the photos from the wayfarer site, and then crop it-save as new photo in your photo gallery so it doesnt think you stole a photo from the internet.

Make sure to open the photo in a new tab to get the full photo. On the nominations page click on the photo, then again to open it in a new tab

Im old school. Also a perfect circular route that upon completing, I didnt have
turned on record :joy: so I have to do it anyway agsin.

I don’t see how it meets criteria. I love your sense of adventure, but “it exists” doesn’t work, even in the woods. If I understand correctly: It’s a place some unknown people built a campfire some unknown years ago. It doesn’t represent the trail, or a historical place (like an old summer camp) or event. It wasn’t built to encourage people to explore, socialize, or exercise there. It just exists, for a purpose that has long passed.

Maybe someday you’ll learn the story behind it, and can make a case for it.

The photos alone tell me this is an official picnic/bonfire area. It is cheap, but its not something that is just built by a random person and to be removed after.

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Assuming this is a permanent object, I think it could be eligible under exploration and socialisation criteria. Public barbeques are often accepted, as are picnic spots.

I’m not sure if this was rejected by human reviewer or the AI (Emily). Emily hates nature, so can sometimes reject a wayspot because of too much greenery. A tighter crop of the object can sometimes help with that.

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Been here for last 5 years I had this cabin. Its not end of the world get it accepted or not for me, I have all the signs approved POI for this 1-2 hr route, as well as the route itself.

I just figured it is a nice bonus for anyone following the route to have man-made woodlife spot to stumple upon. For me it brings joy everytime I pass places like this

Totally agree that this type of thing can make a terrific wayspot, especially if it’s easily overlooked and people might otherwise walk past it.

I’ve sometimes found interesting things in areas like this by looking at OpenStreetMap or oldmapsonline.org which sometimes has POIs marked which are not on Google or Bing Maps. For example, I found a slightly creepy abandoned chapel in one wood which was only marked on historical maps - from there I found some citations to back it up and it got accepted.

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People walking here wont accidential not notice it :joy: its just a bonus spin. You need walk 20 mins eirher way for next pokestop from thid point

Isolated wayspots are exactly the things that Ingress players like.

For info. Apeal made this spot approved manually. So to people that would say no to such a spot, Nintantic thinks it is.

TY @Trollfarer for keeping my spirit up and try the apeal :slight_smile:

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Glad you got what you wanted here, but just a word of caution. Don’t t put too much confidence in having an appeal accepted. The appeal review outcomes can be all over the place. We see obviously acceptable POIs rejected on appeal for what seem to be nonsensical reasons and things that seem to be easy rejects accepted on appeal.

Just to say, if your next appeal doesn’t go the way you expect, don’t be surprised.


I wont :slight_smile: i must admit again, I also pay attention to S2 cells, so ofc it is better suited POI for same area. Not living in suburn area makes POGO a completly different experience.