10 of my stops got accepted only 2 made it in even though there aren’t stops nearby and there’s bro enough stops here
Welcome to the forum @charmender372
I know the prompt tells you that you are submitting a “Pokestop” but you are actually submitting a Wayspot to the Lightship database, which can only become a Pokestop or gym if it is alone in a level 17 S2 cell. This is a good article about S2 cells and PoGo:
If you would like to leave the name and location of some of your submissions, we can check and see if this is what has happened. The gps coordinates are in the submission email underneath the supporting photo, but they don’t include the decimal point, so mentioning where you are in the world could help us find it.
@charmender372, Ingress is similar with its immersion and suggests you are submitting Portals. But each game is submitting Wayspots as said above to the Lightship database.
With the PoGo Power Spots, these wayspots now may appear in the game when they didn’t before. The wayspots may also appear in different Niantic games.