Accepted but not showing

I’m new with wayfarer and only submitted way stops since Dec 2024. I had one of my nominations accepted around 2nd week of January (I think) but up to now, it is not showing in Pokémon Go. Is there an email instructions on what I should do next? I am worried as I no longer have access to my email.

Welcome to the forum @BadJester

I know the prompt tells you that you are submitting a “Pokestop” but you are actually submitting a Wayspot to Niantic’s database. The Wayspot can only become a Pokestop or gym if it is alone in a level 17 S2 cell. This is a good article about S2 cells and PoGo:

If you can give us the Title and the gps coordinates, someone can check for you and see if S2 cells are the issue.

Hello and welcome,

Not all approved Wayspots show up in all games. What happens if that approved Wayspots get added to the Spatial/Lightship map, which is used to determine game play locations, with some exceptions. Each game has their own density/inclusion rules: PoGo uses S2 cells and Ingress uses a 20 meter rule. More info on S2 cells can be found here:

If you’d like to post the name and location of the Wayspot, someone can check to see if it meets the rules, or if there is another Wayspot already in the L17 S2 cell.

There would not be any further instructions via email. Have you set up a new email?

Emails aren’t sent if a Wayspot is added to a game or not. The acceptance emails do note that if they do show up in-game, it can take up to 48 hours.

Also, Niantic can’t access your email; that could be a privacy issue.

I have found a wayspot that looks like it is in its own cell but hasn’t appeared in Pokemon go, it’s located 40.630385, -111.989388 and named Red Orchard Way dog run. Can someone take a look and see what’s going on?

How long ago was this accepted?

Not sure truthfully

Several months possibly

Hmm… I thought this was a sync issue, so let me put what I had written here.

Pokemon Go has a daily sync. If it was accepted today, it may have missed today’s sync, so look for it tomorrow. I am not good at time zones, but for me on EST, sync is around 2-3 pm. It kind of rolls out instead of happening all at once.

Other than that, I don’t see any reason why that wouldn’t be showing.

Me neither, maybe it is a four square issue?

I see portals for the half court and the playground. It could be there was a property owner request to geo-block this grassy area based on whatever it was before there was a dog run here, but only Niantic could tell you that.

How did you find this Wayspot if you didn’t submit it? I was about to suggest that you give it one more day since you didn’t know when it was accepted, and then do a bug report that it isn’t showing up. They could tell you if it is an old property owner request or a bug or something else.

I was going to submit it, and when I was in the submission part of Pokemon go it showed it was there but in another game

How long ago was this? Maybe it is the sync issue. Or it could be a Powerspot import - does it have a photo?

I saw it months ago, tried to resubmit it and it was rejected as a duplicate. I just saw this topic and thought i should see if anyone knew why

Okay if it was rejected as duplicate, then it isn’t a Powerspot import. Property owner request is the only thing I can think of. Hopefully staff will see this and reply or you can make a new report in Bug Reports & Technical Support

Awesome thanks!

It is in the wayfarer database

And multiple photos. it has probably been rejected several times.
I suspect property owner request.

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i need to stop trying to answer these questions since i don’t have access to this database. ty for following up. it would have taken less guess work with this available.

Ok thanks! Good to know, weird that the other locations weren’t blocked, it is a community park area