Account warning

Too long? I have never had that problem.

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lol :joy: that’s why I think it’s weird

What part do you think is too long as for why it gets denied?

I’ve had lots of titles and supporting information contain the maximum amount of characters on Wayspots.


I was gonna say you’d be in trouble if excessive length was a rejection criteria :joy:

I wonder if you were using “banned words” (not your fault or necessarily “bad” words) and it was blocking you.

Do you have some examples of how you tried writing it? Would you like to try writing a new description and sharing it here? Maybe we can walk through how to better phrase your nomination to help with success.

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I’ve got my Birdland titles ready just in case I need to confirm it’s not a reason for rejection… :smile:

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Are there picnic tables outside or a gazebo maybe? There’s no streetview around this building so I can’t tell. There are three trees beside the building that would be good shade for some picnic tables but I can’t tell.

Is this a gazebo or shelter? It could be a covering for mechanicals.

Is this mural at this location?


There are tables and a shed

Next time you are there, could you get some pictures so we can see what it looks like.

Thanks for these images. Unfortunately, nothing you’ve shown here is eligible. That’s rough.

Oof, that picnic table is actually a violation of ADA parking laws.

Aww ok won’t do it then

I’ll just keep playing on Pokémon go

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I personally know about places like this, as I have someone close to me that goes to one for day support services. I wouldn’t say much exercising. as most think of it, happens at these places, although they do tend to have a couple pieces of exercise equipment usually. The person I know doesn’t use them much, as they are performing jobs in the community, or wanting to take a nap after the work they’ve done.

The employees may be able to play on a break, but it really doesn’t have any places that qualify for a Wayspot; there are nearby Wayspots at the old drive-in, a mural, and the heritage center, all within walking distance. They do get a Power Spot from time to time, but it isn’t engaged with much.

I know this is disappointing, but I see there are many Wayspots in this area, mainly at the Frontier Village/Bison Discovery Center (great places to explore), McElroy Park (great place to exercise/socialize/explore). I don’t see many Wayspots at the Buffalo Mall, and that may have some places that are eligible, or there may be other locally owned, non-generic businesses and restaurants in the area. If you do appeal your warning, you may want to review the criteria, which can be found here:

The Eligibility Criteria and Criteria Clarification sections are great to know what is and isn’t eligible. You may have looked at it somewhat, since the description takes from A great place for exercise in the Eligibility Criteria section; taking from third parties isn’t allowed, so this could have also been an issue.

Again, you received a warning, which is educating you on how Wayfarer works, which I don’t think anyone explained to you. It’s not a ban, you can still be a Wayfarer, and you can still appeal the warning. You can find the link in the email you received, and it’s also at the bottom of this site:

Here are some of the pictures from the office


I see this is related to this post:

Please keep topics to one thread. Thanks!

I asked them to post pictures as part of trying to move forward. It is relevant.

I see now that this must have come from a separate topic that was merged, which you can’t tell .
So all good now.

Thanks for these.
I’d like an American view on the little umph picture in particular.

Personally I would have been happy to consider the actual place. I have had a sucessful submission for something similar, although its remit was very much about providing a social space for a range of NeuroDiverse people. And again I’m in the U.K.

I think spaces like this can vary hugely. So we need to know more about this place.
Some people find conventional social spaces alienating. I would be interested to know if this is a place that supports socialising in a safe space.
Do they have some exercise classes or pieces of equipment?

I reported the separate thread to be merged. And yes, I know that photos were asked for.

I’ve mixed opinions on the “triumph.”. You can definitely get into the debate about whether or not it meets the literal and/or colloquial definition of “mural.” It’s intended to be a focal point and provide inspiration in what appears to be a meeting room. We have some similar expressions in a walking area of my downtown, and in that context I think it’s fine. But “just” being in meeting room it isn’t meant to have quite the same social impact and, yes, I think audience and intention of this “art” matters for eligibility. Furthermore, it’s something I could see being painted over on a whim as it appears (I may be wrong) to be basic stenciling.

It’s definitely not a hard “no” but also not something I’d immediate reject.