So if a friend (person 1) and I (person 2) both upload a waypoint/pokestop nomination in the same general location( let’s say a park) but nominations are different things entirely. Assuming it’s in the same S2 cell, will whoever made the nomination first would go into voting first (Assuming they’re both not “not accepted” or “duplicates”) and the other person nomination stay in queue until the other person’s nomination is resolved?
Or does it not matter and it’s a collective queue of the entire game and I’d just have to wait it out until my nomination goes through the queue?
Also, how far does waypoints have to be from each other to guarantee its potential of being used in Pokémon Go as pokestops?
I have 4 upgrades under my belt ready to use🙂, but I’ve been told it’s not wise to use an upgrade prior of a nomination entering “ in voting “.
I can’t answer most of this, but I can answer that distance is not a factor for determining if something will go live in Pokemon Go. It is a factor for Ingress, which has a 20 meter rule instead of S2 cell rule.
I recently pulled up this example to demonstrate that it only has to be over the imaginary line for pogo:
Edited to copy the screen snip since it didn’t show in the link
If the ML (machine learning ai) model is going to reject a nomination, it usually happens 20-24 hours after submitting. That has been true for accepting, too, but ML accepts seem to be turned off right now? Anyway, the upgrade is wasted if you have already applied it but then ML decides it.
There also appears to be a grace period before something will go into voting at all. It is a variable amount of time, and before that time is up, an upgrade won’t send the nomination into voting. The only way to be sure that your nomination is out of grace period is if it is in voting. However, there does not appear to be any delay caused by going ahead and upgrading before it enters voting, and I used to go ahead and apply them around four days after submitting when I needed to upgrade.
As @cyndiepooh has illustrated the wayspots can be millimetres apart as long as they are on each side of the imaginary line.
So understanding what your local area is like and where your nominations are might help you prioritise your order of nominating and use of upgrades.
Note that a second wayspot in in a S2 level 17 will not be a pokestop but may be a powerstop (details unknown).
You need an ingress account, and search for pogo tools to find out about IITC which provides the grid.
Ah yes I accidentally went down a cell rabbit hole first……and lost track.
The general community derived observation ( a long way to say never officially confirmed ) is that if you submit 2 wayspots in adjacent S2level 17 cells either could go into voting first.
If wayspot 1 goes to in voting it then blocks any further submissions in its own cell and the surrounding cells, from moving into voting until it becomes resolved. So in this case although the two look far apart it stops wayspot 2 accruing votes.
However if an upgrade is applied to wayspot 2 that takes precedence and pushes it into voting. As it is upgraded it may resolve before wayspot 1.
I could put a tinfoil hat on and speculate as to why this happens, and I suspect it is something to do with stopping a specific area dominating voting if a lot were made in a small area.