Adding a way stop- long wait time

Greetings, I have had several way stops be accepted on wayfarer, but the issue is , that 3-4 days have passed since the acceptance and they do not appear on the map. Any explanation as to why this is happening would be appreciated. Thanks!

Welcome to the forum @jstatefarmerhud
If you leave the name and coordinates, we can check, but if you are talking about Ingress, it is probably within the 20m circle from another portal, and if you are talking about Pokemon Go, it is probably in the same Level 17 S2 cell as another Pokestop or gym. You can read about S2 cells here:

Welcome to the Community. There could be a number of reasons why they haven’t appeared. The most common one, in Pokemon Go, will be your nominations may have appeared in the same cell as another waypoint. (I’m not the best person to explain S2, S17, S14, S22 Cell structures, so won’t go into detail). In Ingress, it will be subjected to the 20 metre rule.

An alternative reason is that someone used some magic dust and made them disappear, but I can’t confirm this to be true.


Hello @jstatefarmerhud

Even though nominations are entered through Niantic games (Ingress or Pokémon Go) using immersive language they are really being nominated for the Light ship database. If accepted they are added to the map in the database.

Then each Niantic game (Ingress, Pokémon Go, Pikmin Bloom, Peridot, Monster Hunter Now) have the opportunity using unique inclusion rules to use the map from Lightship to populate their distinct game boards. It sounds like your wayspots don’t meet the inclusion rule of your preferred game.

This can be surprising and disappointing. Folks here can give you more information about inclusion rules for the games of your interested.