Additional Information (if any): This is located in the men’s room at Mutiny Bay Miniature Golf. My son took pictures for me while no one else was in there.
i reported it as a sensitive location. this is a new option for pogo in game reports. it still does not exist on the ingress form. i also filled in the comment section that this was in the men’s room.
I always select the option of sensitive place if a way spot or nomination is located at or in a public restroom. I just find it really creepy that people would be lurking about the bathroom. Especially in public places where my young teenage daughter might go to the bathroom and have a bunch of people standing outside for some weird reason.
On the subject of public restroom wayspots, there is a wayspot in Auckland, New Zealand called AT Poke Ball Toilets (which are unisex public toilets and appears on GoogleMaps as Exeloo) which is located on Quay Street Ingress Intel Map as of July 2024 (GoogleMaps’ most recent update there) it still exists on GoogleMaps. I remember seeing it on my hoiliday in 2023 when I went to Australia, New Zealand and Hawaii and thinking that it is odd that a public restroom would be a wayspot as I would have thought that they would be a sensitive location.
Why is it a sensitive location? Was there not something nice in the woman’s bathroom seems to be in a themed park also!
@Leedle95 people dont need a waypoint to lurke around you daughter if they have bad intentions.
Other way playgrounds, sportbuilding changing rooms, restaurants public toilets and many more waypoints you can use your logica about creeps.
Or other words you use are most niantic players are creeps , yes sometimes when i need to make a picture for a new wayspot i feel like it but those players inprove the safety also a lot by just more eyes in the area, also a lot of humans and animals get saved or rescued because that player decided to play a niantic game and walk true the area on the right time moment pas a waypoint, a lot people from neighborhoods watch also play niantic games.
Also depends on witch country ,culture your live in. But mine overal experience is that wayspot can increase the saftey of a area also in positive way. Just by more people visiting that location
Absolutely, hence the rules about under 18 places. Playgrounds usually have at least some parents supervising. And I always reject nominations around bathrooms, campground showers, and would changing rooms too if I saw them. Its more about peole congregating where they aren’t meant to congregate. It gets creepy. That’s also why I am a stickler about nominations in people’s yards, and think the whole argument about “the sidewalk is a public easement” is garbage. You are most certainly entitled to your opinion on these things, but I am too.
If they get supervise ad playground then also will be supervised when the need to go to toilet, just like they boy can make the pictures and the mom waiting outside.
Dont know what stickler mean? But you dont mind people lurking hole day around private house/garden?
Yes everyone may have a opinion and thats great!
I am just curious what niantic decide whit this cool Pirate Art on the wall
Thing is, there’s a large segment of the population to which I belong that often must be hyper vigilant about their surroundings when in public. We tend to pay particular attention when people are congregating or lurking in areas where they typically congregate. That’s what’s creepy.
It’s not true for everyone and I think for those people who don’t have to worry about their surroundings at all times it may not be quite as obvious.
I’m sure you can continue to poke holes in any argument and that’s not the point. There are sensitive locations. I’m sure if you aren’t among those who have to be aware of their surroundings at all times it might seem odd or Incomprehensible. By you, I don’t mean you personally just people.
It’s not just abuse. That’s not so likely. It’s much more the discomfort, having to walk by groups of people when they’re not really supposed to be there, at least not by design, and worrying about the cat calls, the comments. The things that people do and they think perhaps are cute or friendly or funny, but are really disconcerting to others.