And it doesn’t bother me to go down to Good for awhile. I stop, take a deep breath, think about how I’ve been reviewing and, if need be, make adjustments, and continue on. I may feel a little sad, but it’s not life or death, so why get myself all bent out of shape when I have other things in life that are more important.
Feelings are valid, but sometimes you do have to dive deeper to understand why you may be feeling a certain way about something, especially something of lower value in our lives that we may be valuing higher than it should be.
I defended my memory the other day here because it is of higher value to me, because I have a loved one, a very close blood relative, who has been dealing with cognitive and memory health issues, and it makes me worry that it could happen to me one day. So, I value my memory and cognitive health, and since I value those feelings highly, I defended what I remember seeing. Even when I noted this, others still accussed me of lying and trying to spread mis/disinformation; I don’t stand for spreading mis/disinformation.
I have not seen any formal response on this subject. Please post link if there has been one.
I have had an issue since swimming pools at accommodation complexes were deemed eligible. I voted to approve many that were definitely meeting latest criteria. These were subsequently “not accepted”.
I have had my own swimming pool submissions accepted after appeal. I presume other have too.
Are reversals such as this applied back to your rating?
I am feeling that it is more about getting to know how your group of voters will vote than sticking to official criteria. Rating seems to be based on how often you agree with the other voters. Not about adherence to rules. Quantity over quality.
If you are voting in an area where every individual piece of equipment at a fitness stop gets accepted (and you know this) — how do you vote —- by the guidelines or for an agreement?
I’ve done 21k reviews, until recently my rating was “Great” then it’s fluctuated between “Fair”, “Good” and “Great”. I haven’t change the way I review things, but what has happened is that Emily is accepting a lot of the easier portals and passing the dross onto the humans. I would say that half or more submissions I see do not meet the criteria.
I’ve stopped reviewing so much, but I have started recording what I’ve reviewed and my statistics.
Here’s a thing - my overall agreement rate has dropped but my rating has risen from “Fair” to “Good”. So it can’t be based on the overall agreement rate, perhaps the agreements over a certain time period.
I’ve also taken samples of some of the reviews I’ve done and checked back on them. Not many because it’s a PITA, but a selection. It will take some time for the approvals/denials to come through, I’ve certainly seen some bad (IMO) portals accepted and more worryingly some good ones (also IMO) not accepted yet. I’d suggest to other to try to record some, if they have the patience.
At one point in time, and I can’t recall if this was on this forum or the old, messaging from Niantic was that they would not reward agreements on decisions flipped by appeal reviewers.
I don’t think it would be impossible to work around, but remember that it’s possible to correctly reject a nomination that later gets overturned - think Satellite updating to provide clearer evidence than initially provided. The submitter may be including a lot of info in the appeal that completely changes the narrative. And don’t get me started on “bad” Niantic reviews! And on the flip side, would the reviewers who rejected now lose agreements for the overturned decision?
Ultimately, though, I don’t know the reasons Niantic has.
I agree. A tad offensive. Probably needs coffee, tea, water or something as some of this looks a dig by Dtrain at several people.
By saying “; I have only seen those that are new to reviewing and those that are not doing the best job.”"
““as well as someone who was rejecting everything using Accuracy so they could leave a comment, and that’s not the best way to reject every nomination that doesn’t meet criteria.””
IF so. Jeez cranky pants… This last one is a go at me as I am the only one who mentioned that. Really. hmmmmmm
The point everyone is making here. Is new, medium and long term users who suddenly - without warning - or explanation had their rankings tank. Why ignore that and have a go at people.
People are looking to see if Emily means more junk coming through. Possibly with more junk coming through and the ever present race to get rewards people just accept so it means a change in community standards. Is it technical. What?
I like a lot of the stuff you say. I disagree with others. But this. Defo disagree!
My bonus location is my old home town in the UK. While in Oz now it is great to see UK stuff and I love getting the odd French and Irish stuff. They certainly break up the reviews of the tiny trail markers, bike signage and fast food joints which seem to proliferate now.
The only thing I have noted (globally) is the rise in “less interesting” POI’s with poor photos/supporting evidence and some with worse grammar than mine (and that is saying something)
While I have noted my own perceived drop in the quality of nominations - there was one other anomaly this time. I was travelling through multiple countries and reviewing in each. I did not check my ratings when I was travelling a few months ago and I do wonder if that had an impact. When I travel again in a few months to a few countries and to reviews I will see if my ratings change. I don’t think that was it. But who knows.
Having a “Great” rating is important to some people. You might think it’s trivial, but for some people it’s not. Not everybody is the same.
You talked about mental health, but part of having a healthy mindset is empathizing with people about how their feeling. You’re right. Their feelings are valid, but following that statement up with implying that they are putting too much weight on their rating being something of “lower value” isn’t empathetic.
If people are concerned about their rating then let them air their grievences, and let them be. Saying things like
sounds like you are taking a dig at anybody who is concerned there might be an issue with the ratings. You are not in a position to say if there is or isn’t. There very well might be. You don’t know.
You’ve said to more than one person that their replies to you made you feel “not smart.” I think that you need to take a good look at your responses on this thread and ask yourself how you would feel if people replied to you the same way you’ve replied to them.
I’m kinda new here, but so fast I became with a “poor” rating. It is hard to review because in my region often more than ten in a row clearly do not meet the criteria just by quickly looking at the picture and after a while they think I am a bot or I don’t know what and ask to do some captchas because of “unusual activity/pattern” or simply just give me a cooldown of two hours.
My theory is that a lot of abuse happens where I live and that’s it. I always come across Pokéstops that should never be accepted in first place, but if they all get removed we would have basically so empty cities. That’s how 3rd world countries works, it’s impossible to follow the criteria and have accessible Pokéstops in most of the cities.
I have over 11K review (no idea how that compares but it’s enough to show I’m not new)
My rating went from great down to poor almost instantly when there was an issue with ratings earlier this year. They said the issue got resolved and people reported their ratings going back up, but mine only ever made it back to “fair”. I suppose I could have suddenly started reviewing poorly, but I still suspect there was an issue with the system, based on how quickly my rating fluctuated.
Recently I’ve been just doing 1-5 very slow and careful reviews daily but it hasn’t helped.
Thanks to everyone who reported the issue. If I made light of the issue, I apologise. I’m glad Niantic have realised there is an issue and are investigating.