On October 10, in the evening, the area of the residential district disappeared from the game.
Pokestops and gyms have disappeared. The POI’s that disappeared included restaurants, playgrounds, an outdoor gym, a relaxation zone, a natural monument, murals and more…
Ultra plac zabaw - 51.230579,22.522408
Leżaki dla draki - 51.230404,22.523112
Mały plac zabaw przy Jutrzenki - 51.229808,22.522367
Głodny królik - 51.229443,22.520736
Silownia zewnętrzna na Watykańskiej - 51.228859,22.523458
Stokrotka Café - 51.228786,22.524226
Roślinny mural - 51.22946,22.524619
Siłownia Zewnętrzna Ul. Jutrzenki - 51.229627,22.525202
Plac Zabaw Z Kolejką Linową - 51.229691,22.525334
Pumpkin flower - 51.230054,22.524861
Stare boisko do piłki nożnej przy ul. Jutrzenki - 51.230009,22.523779
TopSpin Lublin - Korty Tenisowe - 51.230555,22.524839
This is the second time in a row that this area has disappeared from the game. Niantic harasses players or helps disrupt the game by someone who reports alleged abuse of an area when none is occurring.
More than a week has passed, so the backing soon of POI’s and an anti-abuse drive have no explanation here. Why you are oppressing the city of Lublin?
Mod edit to change ofensive word