Appeal for colorful bench

I try to insert a colorful bench that is part of a project by a local artist.

  • Wayspot Title: Panchina VB
  • Location (lat/lon): 44.632148281662126, 8.635648612534757
  • City: Ovada
  • Country: Italy
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email:
    “Thanks for the appeal, Explorer! The nomination in question does not meet the Wayfarer criteria as it is a normal bench which seems to have no significance. If this assessment is not accurate, please resubmit the nomination with additional context. We recommend you review the Wayspot Criteria before submitting your next Wayspot contribution: Wayfarer — Niantic Technical Support and Help Center

The bench in question is this one:

(Edit: I have already removed the car number, thank you.)

The bench in question is this one. It might not be the most beautiful, it might not be the nicest one he’s made, but it’s part of a series of colorful benches scattered around the town. I had also included this photo in the nomination :

Where you can see them all. Instead, I’m being told it looks like a “normal bench.” Now, it may not be the most beautiful, but it’s certainly unique. It’s made of wood and, like all the others, handcrafted by this local artist. There are trails where all of them can be seen, and if someone goes randomly, it’s a challenge to find them all.

Is it really not possible to have this one accepted?



Hello and welcome @MMaximut

It’s not always clear where the best place is to put your query. To help I am moving this to nomination support.

Can I check that I have the correct understanding.
You submitted this nomination and it was rejected - in the rejection email did it say by the community or our team ?
Did you then make an appeal from your contributions page?

Can you please provide the whole original submission so that we can understand what has happened.

There is also a rather obvious car number plate in the picture which would make it in eligible.

Exactly, Elijustrying, I submitted the application, but it was rejected by your team, and there’s a lack of information about the reasons. I appealed, emphasizing that the bench is not something so common or ordinary but is part of a group of benches created by an artist.

It could actually be the car number; I hadn’t noticed it as it’s quite hidden. However, in the explanation I see when clicking on the rejection, it says “common bench,” not other reasons.

This is what I received in the first rejection email:

"Ciao MMax0000,

Purtroppo il nostro team ha deciso di non accettare la tua proposta di Wayspot.
Il nostro team ha ritenuto la proposta non conforme ai criteri richiesti, pertanto è stata rifiutata. La decisione potrebbe essere stata determinata da titolo, descrizione, località, foto o una combinazione di questi criteri. Per le future proposte, consulta gli articoli di supporto dedicati ai criteri di Wayspot per ulteriori informazioni sulle caratteristiche di un Wayspot idoneo.

Un caro saluto,
Il team Wayfarer

Visita il forum di Wayfarer e partecipa alla conversazione."

This is what I received in the second one (after my appeal):

"Sfortunatamente, Niantic ha deciso che la tua proposta non deve essere aggiunta come Wayspot. Tieni presente che qualsiasi cambiamento basato su questa decisione può richiedere fino a 48 ore di tempo prima di essere visibile nei prodotti di Niantic che utilizzeranno questo Wayspot.

Puoi controllare tutti i dettagli nella pagina di gestione dei contributi. Ricorda che non tutti i Wayspot disponibili sono utilizzati in tutti i giochi Niantic."

Whereas what I copied earlier is what I see in the application on my profile.
So, a lack of information at first, and then I read that the bench is considered a common bench. And honestly, I’ve seen much worse being accepted as PokéStops while playing.

This my original nomination (Do I have to send it in English?):

Proposta di Wayspot per Panchina VB

Ovada Piemonte

Nota di Niantic

Thanks for the appeal, Explorer! The nomination in question does not meet the Wayfarer criteria as it is a normal bench which seems to have no significance. If this assessment is not accurate, please resubmit the nomination with additional context. We recommend you review the Wayspot Criteria before submitting your next Wayspot contribution: Wayfarer — Niantic Technical Support and Help Center

Criteri di Rifiuto

Criteri Wayfarer
Altri criteri di rifiuto

(Now I have already removed the car number)


Panchina colorata facente parte di un progetto di un artista locare, per colorare la città.


Corso Saracco, 283, 15076 Ovada AL, Italia

Informazioni supplementari

(also here I have already removed the car number now)

È un progetto di un artista locale per abbellire colorare e essere utili. Ci sono percorsi che le includono ed è una sfida trovarle tutte in giro per la cittadina. Qualcuna è più bella, qualcuna più brutta ma tutte meritano di essere visitate.

Thank you so much for reading/listening to what I wrote.

I think you’ll have a better chance if you renominate it.
You didn’t share your text, so I’ll guess it wasn’t convincing.
In the description, include the name of this art project, artist name, and a sentence about the project. Maybe end with a friendly challenge, like “Can you find all 30 benches?”
In the Supporting Info, put a link to the public art project (or a news article about it). Mention that finding these benches is a great way to explore your city.


What was your description and supporting infos? Also your title seeme pretty generic and not unique as just “bench”.

Ok, I’ll see if I can find any articles. I don’t know; it’s a small town and doesn’t get much attention. In any case, I’ll try to provide as many details as possible to explain why it deserves to be included.

If I may, I’d like to point out that I’ve seen Wayspot proposals that are much more embarrassing and lack significant detail, yet they pass the community’s review without any issues, as if they weren’t expected to put in the same effort that, it seems, is required for this beautiful bench.

Thank you very much for the advice; I’ll try to provide more details next time I make a nomination.


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Is that a plaque above the bench? Might be worth checking.

We all know of horrible wayspots, and “yes but this got approved so why shouldn’t mine” is not an argument that will not get you very far in terms of eligibility. I know this is frustrating, but we operate based on criteria :slight_smile:

Looks like a utility gas pannel.