Appeal: Niantic location report decided for Vegas in the Airport

  • Wayspot Title: Vegas in the Airport

  • Location (lat/lon): approx. 36.08077, -115.14666 (street address: 5757 Wayne Newton Blvd, Las Vegas, NV 89119, USA)

  • City: Las Vegas

  • Country: USA

  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information):

  • Additional Information (if any): This Wayspot represents an adult-oriented service: gambling. Nevada law prohibits anyone under 21 years old from using the machines or even accessing this area.

For as long as under 21’s are allowed to access the area (even if they are not allowed to use the machines), then any nominations within the area could be deemed eligible. If you can provide evidence that kids are not allowed into the area, I might be persuaded into why the nomination should not be allowed, but it could potentially be a grey area as it is in an Airport, which is accessible to anyone.

No, it’s 21 and over only. Even the airport’s website notes that these gaming areas are 21+.

Nevada gaming law is pretty well known here in the US, and it’s 21+. Those under 21 are not legally allowed onto any gaming floors.

It’s different from state to state, as the states I’ve lived in have the legal age at 18 (and yes, they do card if you look underage).

The link only states that 21+ are allowed to enjoy the machines, but doesn’t state that kids are not allowed to go into the gambling area. I’m not a fan of kids entering the casino area, and I lack the knowledge needed to make an informed comment with conviction. If the laws prevent under 21 from entering the area, then I would agree that the portal should, in principle, be removed.

See the 2nd link. That’s from a law firm in Vegas, and does note that it’s a misdemeanor for those under 21 to even be on the gaming floor, unless they are 18-20 and working. Otherwise, it’s restricted to 21+ only.

I know someone under 21 that went to Vegas last year, and they were not allowed onto any of the casino floors; they were with some who were over 21, so they just had to wait outside of the gaming area for them.

Again, they do card. It’s not a law that’s shirted around in Nevada, as if it’s violated, a casino could lose their gaming license.

Just re-read it. Word blindness does get me from time to time. But I will refer to my previous statement, I am not a fan of kids entering the casino area (and will add the caveat of wherever it is).


Plus, Vegas has a lot for those under 21 to do. The person I know went there for a pop culture convention, played in their Smash Bros tournament and met some anime voice actors. They also went bowling and to the Pinball Hall of Fame.

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Imagine reporting something the CEO submitted… I guess that makes 2 of us :joy: :rofl:

Thanks for the appeal, @Nekoyama27 After reviewing the additional evidence provided, we’ve decided to retire the Wayspot in question.

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