Has the standard been updated recently?
On appeal, Niantech returned the stone statues as inadmissible because the condominium is a single family private residence.
I believe that even employees should be tested and if the standards have been updated, please let me know.
Condominium can refer to both a condo building and a condo unit inside a condo building. Condo unit is a SFPRP. In this particular case the frog is right at the door of Unit 106, and I don’t think Niantic would like people to hang out right by someone’s front door.
Edited to clarify
am I correct in assuming that items that may have been installed by a rental resident are ineligible and that items installed by the owner of the condominium are the main items that qualify as a wayspot?
Hi, I moved these posts into a new topic as your question was posted in a thread about Ingress eligibility level where you were very unlikely to get meaningful feedback.
Nothing changed. @Itsutsume already explained that this is not in a
This small statuette looks to be the personal property of that resident, and easily moveable, too.
Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that
Long time ago there was some new rule about wayspots within 40 meters of PRPs. I don’t remember the details, so I googled and found this:
So your question about whether it matters who placed an object is kinda irrelevant in this case. What matters is that this object (which also looks easily removable, thus making it ineligible) is located very, very close to someone’s front door.
It doesn’t mean that EVERY wayspot within 40 meters of a PRP should now be removed. It just means Niantic takes a closer look at such wayspots.
Also remember that residents and landlords don’t decorate their properties for gamers. They decorate them for themselves or their tenants and have no idea about Niantic and its rules, or about any other similar companies and their rules. So when you see something like this and think “Cool, new wayspot!”, just stop and think for another moment. In this particular case ask yourself this - would you want a group of people gathering right by your front door on a regular basis?
So, this is a pretty typical multi-family building in Japan (see so many of these in anime/manga), more of an apartment building, for those wondering.
However, this frog statue does seem to have been put out by whoever lives at the unit, as doing an image search brought up many places where it can be purchased.
The rejection reason from the appeals team is incorrect, but I do agree with it being rejected, as it seems to be a mass produced object and indistinct.