- Wayspot Title: 43rd St Little Library
- Location (lat/lon): (37.8325322, -122.2699695)
- City: Oakland
- Country: USA
- Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information): N/A
- Additional Information (if any): This is a public little free library, on the street, still there
Hello and welcome.
The wayfarer team will assess your appeal based on the object. So for this little free library you should provide a current geotagged photo(s) to help demonstrate that it is still there. Since it is in a residential area the key question to address will be about whether it is on single family private residential property.
It does look as though it is on the private property, and it is not enough that it can be accessed from the public area.
No, it’s not. It’s located on the property of a private residential property.
In case there is any doubt. This is the LFL in question, I presume? Clearly located in the (small) front yard of a private residence.
if it makes a difference, it overhangs the public sidewalk by several inches
if that is not enough, out of curiousity, are there appeals based on permission of the property owner?
That’s not enough, the Niantic defined Private Property extends even to the outside facing side
There’s no excemptions possible
Just so you’re aware, here’s the clarification on Single Family Private Property.
Single-family private residential properties (SFPRP), farms, and K-12 (schools or facilities primarily focused for persons under 18 years of age) are ineligible. This includes the outer facing facade, fence of these locations, and property boundaries.