Appeal removed wayspot

  • Wayspot Title: I don’t remember the name of the stop and I didn’t didn’t submit it, but it was a Little Free Library
  • Location (lat/lon): (37.8332387, -122.2699819)
  • City: Oakland
  • Country: USA
  • Screenshot of the Rejection Email (do not include your personal information): N/A
  • Additional Information (if any): This is another Little Free Library stop that recently disappeared. I hadn’t submitted this one, but it had many routes attached to it.

Hello and welcome.

The wayfarer team will assess your appeal based on the object. So for this little free library you should provide a current geotagged photo(s) to help demonstrate that it is still there. Since it is in a residential area the key question to address will be about whether it is on single family private residential property.

So it’s important this is addressed in your appeal statement.

Also note if it is re-instated I think any routes may need to be redone. The routes element is not a wayfarer issue.

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Thanks for the appeal, @SpamHondelman. We have taken another look but stand by our decision to retire this Wayspot.

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thanks - I’m assuming because it’s in the yard?

The official Alameda County Parcel Map actually shows that the property line ends at the building, meaning that I believe this is public property

My guess would be that according to the following clarification, it’s still not enough: