Banned words in description

I try to change portal description (link) to the text: “საქართველო ჩემო დედავ, ჩემი სუნთქვა გენაცვალა. Грузия, мать моя, я дышу ради тебя.” It means: “Georgia, my mother, I breath for you”.
I can’t even imagine what word exactly is banned… This is the text on the monument.
Please explain the problem and help solving it.

This is the banned word.

No, I can’t explain why.

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What language is it? In Russian it just means ‘because’, so it can’t actually be Russian. Now I’m curious…

I’m guessing because if you turned it all to English alphabet letters it would look like a word that is banned and it’s a way people try to get around it?

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Then it would be ‘Radi’

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The first letter to me looks like “p”, there’s also a similar one to “n” and “r”. I’m sure you can use your imagination to figure what extra letter to change the “a” to, to get a four letter banned word.

Definitely more imagination then I have. I read the Cyrillic alphabet and can’t see anything other then R-A-D-I

But then, I’m still angry that Bahndamm (railway embankment) was considered a forbidden word… whereas I had no problem whatsoever to enter some pretty nasty words for carnal interaction, (I just typed a forbidden word here :lol:) intimate body parts and excrements in both German and Dutch. I didn’t, but the app let me. It’s a completely useless and absurd system, UNLESS it is 100% language dependent.