I had the hardest time submitting this nomination tonight. I basically called it what it was : ‘Rustikale Treppe zur alten Bahndamm’. I did not add the description and additional info yet, as I usually do that when I get home. But when I tried to finish, I was notified the title contained a ‘forbidden’ word…
I tried to alter it a few times, tried to break up the word, looked up synonyms for rustikal and Bahndamm, but finally resorted to doing the entire nomination in English. As ‘railway embankment’ apparently is less debatable.
Is there a hidden ‘list’ of forbidden words that could make it impossible to use very normal words in other languages?
Bahndamm looks like it may be an issue, especially the last 4 letters. Those in English are not allowed, and most likely the issue. Instead of Bahndamm, which looks to mean railway embankment, maybe use railway platform, which appears to be Bahnsteig.
There isn’t a known list, but the banned word filter isn’t the best, especially for non-English languages. The @Ambassadors are certainly correcting these words, as you’re not the only person that has had issues with it, especially with non-English words.
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Treppe ist oft das Problem, ich meine dieses Wort ist gesperrt weil es zu ähnlich zu einem brasilianischen Schimpfwort ist.
Ich würde dir aber ganz dringend davon abraten das hier einzureichen, diese Treppe erfüllt eindeutig keine Kriterien zur Akzeptierung, da es aussieht als dass es sich um eine gewöhnliche Treppe handelt.
It could be both Bahndamm and Treppe, but the filter doesn’t tell you what needs to be removed. The only way to find out is to submit with different wording.
I wouldn’t say this isn’t ineligible, as the rail stop itself could be eligible, but I don’t know what the historical context of it is, how long it’s been around, how it’s of significant to the area, etc. I have seen other old railway stops that have Wayspots, so that may be what you want to focus on instead of the stairs.
Treppe maybe banned because trepa/trepe in Brazil may mean something sexual, not sure if that is the actual cause though.
That’s the thing with the word filter, it doesn’t tell you what word or words are at issue, so it could be connected to an English slang word similar to dang or shoot, or a Portuguese slang word used in Brazil that can have a s3xual meaning.
I found this out when tring to submit a religious gr0tto, which is what it’s called on the sign next to the statues and seating area. When I went to submit, I was told there was a banned word, but not which word was banned. I looked at the title and description, and since there is an well-known man–made gr0tto in Beverly HIlls, CA where adult activity has taken place, I figured it was gr0tto. Sure enough, I changed the title to say statues instead of gr0tto, and it was accepted. It’s not accurate, but because of the word filter, it’s close enough, and it’s now a Wayspot.
I would similarly be more concerned about the eligibility of the staircase than about avoiding the word filter here.
Oh, it was denied, as expected 
But educational nonetheless.