We understand the AI is not perfect but the language thing is really a sensitive topic in Ukraine and if you staff rejects appeals instead of adjusting the Ai our community is really frustrated
@NianticThibs This is a big issue that needs to be fed into the ML model.
A lot of people complain about this issue and normally I’m suggesting going via appeal route but there aren’t enough appeals and AFAIK there is no appeal attempt given people back even after Niantic team chimes in and fixes a particular wayspot.
There are multilingual countries indeed but I’d say we have to give more weight to the official language, then probably the majority language (if system can’t detect area-specific languages), then even English as an international one.
The tricky thing with Ukrainian vs Russian (also Belarusian vs Russian and maybe some others) is the fact sometimes it is just an one letter of difference and ML just thinks no need to change because it is good enough already