Can’t update a wayspot description because it has “banned words”

What would be the banned words in here?
¿Qué palabras no están permitidas en el texto?

Ars3 ?


La palabra baneada es fusionarse debido al sufijo -arse, que parece ser que a veces está prohibido en algunos de los verbos en español.


Ah :joy:, gracias, no me había percatado!

The banned words are not always banned because they are similar to an English word, there are some words that are banned for different languages.


I wasn’t allowed to name a pokestop The Choo Choo Train playground…wtf is wrong with choo choo train??? Omg haha.
Well, even the pokemon LickiLicki you can’t change it to lickilick100 if that’s how you mark you 100IV, and it didn’t have space to write the whole name haha.


Yeah, it’s not one language that you have we have to deal with when it comes to the banned word filter.

For example, a user wondered about a Wayspot they were trying to submit in German, and what words might be banned; they were being told their title contained banned words, but the filter never tells you which words they are. There was a word in German that had could be an issue because of an English slang word, and there was another that could be banned for s3xual slang in Portuguese, even though it means stairs in German.

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I’ve run into the same issue submitting descriptions in Italian. I genuinely have no idea why some words get flagged as inappropriate. Because it’s not my mother tongue I end up asking my husband to proofread and search for slang terms or anything I just don’t know… So far we haven’t been able to pinpoint exactly why some words are banned. Now knowing that maybe there are words deemed inappropriate regardless of language that will be helpful. Or maybe not, since it’s always a bit of a mystery lol.

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I have an example from an Italian User for you:

Typical for - it. tipica della → banned because it forms cadela, a (Brazilian?) Portuguese word which can have a bad meaning


There’s a town in North Dakota called Dickinson and the one nomination I made there a few years ago was automatically thrown into Niantic voting and rejected with no reason given.

I’ve been tempted to submit it again the next time I pass through because I love stopping at this place (it’s unique, locally owned, and not a chain) but also worry about getting banned or something, since I’m really not sure which word is triggering the rejection (Dickinson, darn, sausage…?).

Hi @EricND1989
I don’t think that the bad word filter causes your rejection.
As I think, that you’re unable to submit in case of using a bad word.
Your rejection reason is “wayfarer criteria” and when I read your description, you don’t tell the things about why you love to go there.
Out of your description it isn’t possible to see how this meets the criteria of explore, exercise or socialize.


The reason I think it was filtered is because the moment I submitted it, it immediately had the Niantic voting air balloon icon next to it after I got the email saying they received my nomination. In the 300-400 things I’ve submitted over the years (most of them successfully), that is the only time that’s happened instantly.

This happened in 2022, before the recent surge of nearly instant approvals with photos and title edits. It definitely wasn’t the description’s simplicity that caused the rejection, because there was no community voting involved. But if I do go back this summer, I’m just gonna title it “The Wurst Shop” and maybe do a small history summary of the place instead. I have heard other people complain about using “Dickinson” in the title and having problems. I can’t recall seeing any stops or gyms in town that had used it, likely because of that reason.

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