I had asked at the start about this. I asked staff if we changed our bonus location during the challenge if we would be able to participate. Tintino clarified this both in a post here, as well as adding it to the News post.
It was further clarified here, again by Tintino:
If they had their bonus location set to Brazil before the start of the challenge, they will get to review in the challenge. If they changed their bonus location after the challange started, they won’t be able to participate.
They didn’t say when they changed their bonus location to Brazil, but this is what Tintino clarified to us at the beginning. I’m just giving them the clarification, just in case it was after the start. If not, I’m thinking they are getting more home location nominations to review instead of bonus location, which could be an issue. I know that I don’t always get nominations and edits from my bonus location unless I’m actually at said location.
I have the banner on the showcase page and it tells me I’ve reviewed 12 for the challenge, and the community has done 3644, I think that’s an indicator of eligibility.
I know of others that changed their bonus location after the challenge started and they had the banner on the Showcase page, but are unable to participate. Thus why I’m wondering when you set your bonus location to Brazil, since it matters in this challange.
It doesnt matter when they set their bonus, there is no physical limitation (other than not having it open to change). The limitation is that the challenge is meant for locals and others shouldn’t participate.
Since it’s a Sunday I doubt Tintino will respond.
My understanding from their posts are….
They are not doing any global resetting of the bonus location to allow choosing a new location by everyone. That includes manual adjustments such as those that happened to help Boston.
If you hadn’t selected a bonus location then technically you could change. And I understand a few people have done so.
He has said a reset will happen next week.
However the critical message was that the reason behind this was to allow those in Brazil to have their own challenge just for themselves.
Wayfinders instinctively want to join in for the fun and to help. It’s very natural.
So the request is that even those that did change to refrain.
If the global community descended on Brasil there would quickly be few nominations for those in Brasil to review and many of us have experienced that frustration during global challenges. I can attest it’s not a great feeling.
Well that’s my reading of what was said. I hope people respect Tintino’s request.
I didn’t change when Tintino clarified, out of respect for the Brazil community, even though I have a bonus location reset. I also understand that this is a new type of challenge, being location and location community specific, which is another reason I didn’t join in.
It seems that some may be limited in the reviews they are receiving though if they did change their bonus location, or those that had it set as Brazil before the challenge aren’t getting many Brazil reviews. Don’t know if this is how it’s supposed to be or if it’s an error. All I know is I rarely get a good number of reviews for my bonus location, even though there are nominations and edits to be reviewed.
I’m pleased to hear that people like yourself are taking heed of the request.
What you describe doesn’t seem out of line with my experience of bonus location. With 3 locations play, home and bonus as different pools flowing into what we see to review it bonus reviews will always just be one of the crowd.
I don’t use any plug ins so it is hard to keep track and when I do make notes I always find I am under or over estimating some aspects. I guess I’m always expecting more of something and become convinced I’m not seeing anything like it.
Then of course exactly where you place your bonus location will be important as to the size of the reservoir to flow into an individual’s review stream.
It’s a complex area that we don’t know the details about
My play location is mostly my home location, but st times my bonus location. I’m at my bonus location right now, and I’ve been getting a good number from my home location to review, mostly edits from the challenge.
My bonus is also rural, so less is submitted at times. Most of what I get from my bonus location are photo submissions; have had a few nominations from a state park near my bonus location, but still not as much as my home.