Burial Mound - Can this nomination be improved?


This nomination was rejected very soon after submision:

Here is the copied text:
Title: Asserhøj
Asserhøj er ikke udgravet, men det er utvivlsomt en bronzealderhøj, og skal kædes sammen med Brudehøjene og yderligere to bronzealderhøje øst og nordøst herfor. Der er knyttet et sagn til Asserhøj (Asers Høi): Om natten står den på fire ildsøjler, og den, der ligger begravet derinde, kommer da udenfor og skal lufte sig. Og gamle folk fortæller, at en mand, på hvis mark denne høj lå, engang ville sløjfe den. Men den første dag han gravede i den, døde to af hans bedste heste.

Burial mound with bus stop named after it.

Description English translation:
Asserhøj has not been excavated, but it is undoubtedly a Bronze Age mound, and must be linked with Brudehøjene and two further Bronze Age mounds to the east and northeast of this. There is a legend attached to Asserhøj (Asers Høi): At night, it stands on four pillars of fire, and the one who is buried inside then comes outside and has to air himself. And old people tell that a man on whose field this mound was once wanted to loop it. But the first day he dug in it, two of his best horses died.

There is two burial mounds to the east of this one that is a Niantic POI and is a Pokestop in Pokemon Go. Search Google maps: Asserhøj (Måløvvej)

My first thought is that it is being rejected because of the surrounding area photo. But I wanted to show that a bus stop was named after the burial mound and it wasn’t just a mundane mound.

Any suggestions on how to improve this nomination or am i missing something in the wayfarer’s criteria?

Honestly, i think ML can’t tell that from just a random hill. Is there a sign nearby that you can submit instead? I think a Bronze Age burial mound definitely qualifies. But without signage, it is pretty hard to prove thats what it is.

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Unfortunately there is no sign. Else I had submitted that also. That is why I chose to include the bustop in surrounding area photo, in hopes of “proving” that is a fact a burial mound.

Would a link in supplement info to a website where the burial mound is documented help?

Yes, definitely. I think it would also help if you could show the trail that goes by the mound rather than the bus stop.

Great. I will make a new nomination with your suggestions. Thank you.

It looks like the mound is located on someone’s farmland. If that’s the case then it wouldn’t be eligible because that’s private property. I’m sure the farmer wouldn’t want people walking up to the mound just to play a game.

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