Language in a Wayspot nomination

I’m reviewing stops that are located in North America, specifically the US, but I’m seeing some wayspots show up in languages other than English - for now I’m skipping these, but what should happen with these? I would have assumed one would want all wayspots within a particular country to be the same language, so that it could be translated to other languages potentially.

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There is no language requirement in Wayfarer. I use Google Translate to make sure they don’t say anything inappropriate. If locals do not like the language, they can submit an edit after acceptance.

Edit: found where the bit about language is stated

While titles and descriptions may be submitted in any language, the official local language is preferred

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It’s not uncommon to see nominations in other languages in the US, especially in Spanish. Wayfarer doesn’t have an official language, so as long as the title/description/supporting info is accurate in the language used (after translating), then there’s no issue.

BTW, the US does not have an official language, unlike other countries; Canada, for example, has English and French as official languages.

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makes perfect sense, thank you all!! I have nothing against the wayspots being in a different language, just didn’t know if niantic was looking to so some translating on their side.

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Aside from whats been said… review areas for US reviewers include US territories like Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Virgn Islands and Guam.


I’m in the US too but some of the places I submit have names in other languages. It would be a travesty to submit them translated because the English version isn’t their name. I don’t necessarily even know what language they’re in. I’m just copying the sign.

I always use English descriptions but I’m an Anglophone so…

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Imhey, i have come to a similar problem. Since in EU you can live in a spot where your location intersects a wide area of diferent countrys to review, I regularly come across nominations in Hungarian, German, Croatian and Slovene. Most difficult to rate are Hungarian, they mostly never use English, they have a lot of funny letters that google translate just ignores, so rating appropriate names or descriptions is a mess. I skip a looooooot since i have no knowledge of the language. Any thoughts on this particular problem would be a appreciated.