Hi, I was slowly building up my rank back to fair. I was doing it by only reviewing waypoints where I was pretty sure how to review. Waypoints where I wasn’t sure I left out and just closed the browser on them and waited few hours until another good waypoint candidate showed up. Yesterday I got a notification that a cooldown was actived. I really don’t get it. I shouldn’t review everything and fast, because than my rating becomes abysmal and I am getting the message about unusual reviews, and when I am taking things slow and only review waypoints where the criteria are clear, I am also getting punished for doing that. To be honest I really hate this right now and don’t know how to get better.
You can also press skip button, that 50 or 100 times a day. You dont have to wait.
And if you not sure you can always press the i dont know button
If you are not reviewing too fast, then you could be reviewing in patterns. If you are only doing reviews that are
then that could be triggering the cooldown. As was mentioned, use that “I don’t know” button. That is a valid answer. And often at least one of the last three questions will be a thumbs down from me.
As a tip, before you close out, move back to your profile page.
I often leave the tab up in the background. If I forget to move off a Revie before I walk away, when I come back it has timed out. I think if you let a review time out on the review page itself, it. A get cranky with you over time.
Niantic wants us to interact with the page to make our decisions. The software to check this is very cheap, common, and easy to use. Every email you subscribe to (or get as spam) knows how fast you scrolled, where you paused, what you clicked.
To interact with Wayfarer, click pictures (nom & dups), play with the map (zoom, satellite, streetview, active link), click the proposed title, etc. You don’t have to do all these things every time, but do something.
I have seen you give this advice before, but have not seen anyone else say this. Would love to have Niantic confirm that interacting with the page is what they want. However, I do interact a lot with every review, checking street and satellite views and individually clicking the photos, and have never had a cooldown.
At the very least, it probably would make someone go slower. So would probably work, even if that is not what is being measured.
Krug mentioned it years ago - it was the first I’d heard of it and I was amazed. Since then I’ve worked with all kinds of businesses - ALL do this.
If you know how read the Niantic blog where introduced reviewer measuring (Dec 2018?) - you’ll see it between the lines.
It’d be pretty insulting to think Niantic doesn’t use technology that spam emails have used for ten years. (That’s not where I’ve worked! But it’s an example given in training. Plus political emails, phishing, etc.)
Edit: If you’re on a newsletter email (neighborhood, club, church, theater, health, etc) - ask the administrator if they get reports of who opened it, how far they read, if they clicked anything.
Do you have source for that?
I’m always amazed by the assumptions that Niantic uses more technology than necessary.
Abusive reviewers are a constant thorn in Niantic’s side. High tech solutions are necessary. Obviously they’d use the low tech free (or almost free) common tools first. They greatly value the integrity of their database.
Thanks for the Tipps, I will apply them. Quick question, I had a waypoint it was a sports field 100m behind an elementary school. I voted on appropriate “I don’t know” because of the kids and I didn’t know if the sports court belonged to the school grounds. On exercise and meetup I voted . Should I just voted for inappropriate?
Without seeing the nomination, I can’t really say what the correct thing to do was. “I don’t know” was probably a good choice. Our town does put parks adjacent to schools so that they can share a parking lot, so it could have been a situation like that, and been fine. But if they did not convince me that it is not on school property when I am in doubt around a school after studying Maps views closely, I reject it. They can appeal to Niantic if it was wrongly rejected.
To stop cooldowns I’ve found that all they want me to do is wait a minimum of 25 seconds.