What in the Niantic did I do now?

What act of tomfoolery did I commit to earn this admonishment ?

“a cooldown has been activated. we have detected some anomalies in your review behavior. please ensure that you complete reviewing each nomination that is assigned to you. you will be eligible to resume reviewing nominations after approximately 24 hours.”

“Anomalies in my review behavior”

I find this wording to be very accusatory.

Strangely, after I came out of my “cooldown” my wayfarer rating had gone from"good" to “great”.

On at least three occasions prior to my cooldown I was required to prove I was not a bot.

Perhaps Emily is threatened by my efficiency and is fearful I’m a threat to her. I fear she is trying to sabotage me.

Please advise.

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More than likely you reviewed too fast. Its hard to know what came first the rating drop or the cooldown since one typically doesnt look at the rating until after they received a cooldown. But judging from the length of the cooldown, your rating might have dropped first as a 24 hr cooldown is only possible if your rating is down.


looks like the rating went up if i read correctly

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Hello and welcome,

Cooldowns are not uncommon for reviewing. We also have to prove we are not a bot from time to time, so you’ll continue to get this; I get the checkbox about every other day. The cooldowns and bot checkbox are all in place to make sure we are taking our time to review, and not rushing through anything, as well as following criteria and using our best judgment.

Please note that ML has nothing to do with monitoring how the community reviews; ML only accepts or rejects new nominations and edits. There most likely is some other system in place though that monitors how we review.

Being your rating is at Great right now, cooldowns may be less likely to happen. I see you’re new to the forums, but you don’t say if you are new to reviewing or returning after a period of time away, but hopefully there will be less of a chance at a cooldown now with a Great rating.

I have heard that if members are new to Wayfarers or have not participated in a review for a long time, they are often prone to robot detection and are also prone to cooldowns. This is probably because there are fewer of our reviews used as references for robot detection. This may be because the number of reviews referred to in the denominator and the rate assigned by the agreement in the numerator drops quickly, as nominations are not yet accepted or rejected even after completing reviews.

Thank you for your responses.

I have been doing a reviews for a couple of months now. I only did a few on the beginning but I’m the last 10 days or so I’ve done around 100. Which from what I’ve read isn’t a big number. I’ve only done around 140 total.

“please ensure that you complete reviewing each nomination that is assigned to you”

I “timed out” of a couple of times while reviewing. Could that be the reason for the cooldown, or do you think it was because it felt I was going to quickly and not thoroughly reviewing the nominations?

I have had that message, and I do think it’s related to timing out. I was either falling asleep :crazy_face: or someone in the house needed something.
I try to remember to step to the profile page now rather than leave it unfinished.

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Maybe? I got a 24 hour cooldown after I timed out around 7 times. It is the only cooldown I have ever had, and I have done a LOT of reviews

I can fairly confidently say that skipping will not trigger one.

I review very slowly fwiw. Aging eyesight ftw.


Simply skipping wouldnt trigger one… but what about skipping “too quickly”?


They said the review timed out, so the 20 minutes to review ended. Sounds like they didn’t exit the Review page and/or end reviewing, so it kept timing out every 20 minutes.

@crickle633 It’s always best not to leave the Review page open because of the 20 minute review time out. If you’re finished or need to take a break, make sure to close the window/tab or click on another page on the Wayfarer website, like Profile or Contributions (I like to go back to Profile when I stop).

@DTrain2002 I believe this is it. I was bouncing between projects that day while reviewing. It said I timed out on more than one occasion. Thanks for the insight!


Yep, that may be seen as an anomaly in reviewing, staying on the Review page and continuously timing out on reviews.

We get 20 minutes to complete a review of a nomination or edit. If it’s not completed in 20 minutes, you’re timed out of the review, and given something new to review.