Hey, got a question. I recently started doing contributions and I’m missing like 10 or so contributions from my Contribution Management, including a bunch to which there was even “report decided” emails from up to 3-5 days ago. How often are those updated?
This sounds like you mean reporting invalid Wayspots/Portals/PokéStops? If so, these don’t show up on your Wayfarer Contributions page
So only Location Edits and New Waypoint suggestions show up there? Suggestions to remove do not appear there?
Nominations and edits appear on your contributions page, whereas abuse reports (for example) do not.
Well that’s inconvenient if you want to post an appeal to denied remove portal request.
Ty for the info
Using the email screenshot is sufficient
However, you do need to remember roughly where the wayspot was located.
Oh that makes it easier, cheers
You can appeal denied removal requests here in the forums, at Wayspot Appeals. You may want to take a look at this topic to see how the process is handled.
Most likely why removal requests are not in Contribution Management is that they are looked at by staff. The review community doesn’t see removal requests, unlike nominations and edits.
You need the screenshot of the rejection email to appeal a rejected report here: Wayspot Appeals
It has also been suggested to me that I can use the Wayspot Removals form linked at the top here if I do not want to appeal here publicly. In case you don’t see it in the format you are using the forum in, here is the link:
Edit: found where I was told that
If all else fails, run up and down the road screaming something, as that sometimes works… allegedly.
pictures or it didn’t happen
Can’t right now… I’m running up and down the streets… don’t have any spare hands.