Criteria Clarification Collection - Discussion

Sometimes I have seen them as ‘Park Name Sign’ or just ‘Park Name’. Often when I come across something that says ‘Sign’ at the end but doesn’t make sense I will edit it.
Example: Braefoot Park Sign
changed to Braefoot Park
reason: this is the only sign and the park doesn’t have it’s own wayspot.

Now some churches etc that may be distanced have
Name of Church - as wayspot
Name of Church Sign - as another.

Mostly I try to avoid having the sign in the title since most of us know what a sign looks like. Unless you think it would be confusing otherwise.


Does anyone have the guidance clarification on POIs in and around hospitals? There used to be one that I linked to on the old forum but that’s gone now

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The guidance is simply that you cannot block emergency services. It really doesn’t need to say more than that.

So I take it that all the trail markers that Niantic has been removing lately will be restored when I appeal them?

I know that, but I’m having my nominations rejected by the community for “location sensitive”. Which is understandable, but when I’ve explained in detail how it’s not in the way of emergency services in the supporting info, it’s really annoying.
Giving proof from a NIA member that it’s okay is much more believable than just saying “Niantic said this before so this should be accepted”


Y los bancos Lgtbi…??,he pedido el de mi población vacacional 3 veces y me lo deniegan por no ser permanente???,qué pasa?homofobia?,porque hay miles!!!

Con esto que comentas “porque hay miles” demuestras que no son únicos o distintos. Son bancos que, por lo general, son pintados durante un corto periodo de tiempo y posteriormente vuelven a la normalidad. Apoyo el colectivo LGTBIQ+ pero en mi opinión no cumplen criterios para ser aceptados.

If something is going to be permanent that celebrates a particular community it can be eligible. I’m going to show you how Atlanta and many other cities have celebrated Is there LGBTQ communities with permanent paintings of rainbows on crosswalks. This is a POI on the lightship map pinned on the sidewalk before you would start to walk on the crosswalk.

The important part of this is that the city maintains this and it has been here for years. There are many news articles to prove that.

Opino como tú. No creo que se borren con tiempo ya que sirven para dar visibilidad a un colectivo y desde nuestra posición deberíamos contribuir a ello

Yes, but you must provide proof that it’s not temporary. We can do that with these crosswalk through news articles and the project even has its own website. And, these crosswalks don’t exist all over the city. They are only found in a few places so they aren’t common features.

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Se supone lo son

Can I request criteria clarification for government-related buildings and offices, please? @NianticTintino

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Hi can you expand on this please? Is there a specific problem.

Appropriate :+1:

Safe :+1:

Accuracy :+1:

Permanent and distinct :+1:

Socialise :-1:

Exercise :+1:


Maybe I could give Accuracy a :-1: as they didn’t write a 30 word paragraph but technically the description is informative and accurate.

The support isn’t great but I can’t see a low quality support choice anywhere.

How should I vote on these? @NianticTintino

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I would vote the same way, probably thumbs up for both exercise and explore actually. Ie I would accept these quite happily.

Anyone ever ridden a horse? Fantastic way to see nice views, and the aching the next day confirms its great exercise!!

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It’s on the edge for me - a little more eg where is it going to would better - more about the trail.
I might do a IDK under accuracy and write a comment in other.
If there is not much around I might go for a thumbs up.
But overall I’m positive about it.


Use your best judgement, but trail walking can be a social activity, too. Not always, but sometimes I’m comfortable giving a full :+1: on trails.


Me too if they indicate that.

I can use my best judgement. :slight_smile:

I’m more interested in what makes a public footpath or prow if you will , not a trail, acceptable or not.


You think all prow should be accepted?