Distance between wayspots

Lately i’ve been more active in reviewing waypoints in the Niantic Wayfarer. Thereby noticing waypoint submissions as close as within a meter from an other waypoint. Should there be a minimum distance between waypoints? Like in geocaching.

There is different rules how wayspots appears in different games, e.g. in Ingress you have a 20m distance rule applying whilst in Pokémon Go the only rule is one wayspot per cell which outrules the distance.

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Hi @firechief75
Welcome to the forum :hugs:

Every accepted wayspot nomination will be added to Niantics Lightship database.
There’re no distance rules.
Than each Niantic game decides (via inclusion rules, with distances like @yido explained) which wayspot they’ll take from that database.

For your reviewing this means, that you don’t have to look for “being to near”.


Thanks for the explanation

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Even the 20m rule is sometimes ignored in Ingress:


These two are 7m apart.

Granted, they are legacy (they predate Niantic’s spin-off from Google). But they have both been moved in the last 6 months, without distance issues being triggered.