From the community, not Niantic Wayfarer, I learned that a new application cannot be less than 20 meters from an existing point. Otherwise, even if it is approved, it will not be displayed and can only be seen here Niantic Lightship.
My question:
Is the judgment criterion of this rule compared with the points displayed on the map or with the points here Niantic Lightship?
If it is the second case, consider the following scenario:
If player 1 applies for a point, but cannot go online because it is too close, even if player 2 knows the 20-meter rule, he walks 20 meters away and applies for a new one, but because it is less than 20 meters away from the point applied by player A, can he still not go online? By analogy, if someone keeps applying for the previous point, then all these points cannot go online. There seems to be an invisible barrier around this point that cannot apply for po. And Niantic Lightship doesn’t seem to delete the entry for existing points.
The 20 metre rule that you’re mentioning only applies to Ingress specifically, and it is based only on Portals that are already in Ingress, and not on wayspots that don’t appear in Ingress. It doesn’t apply to any other game, nor does it apply to Lightship.
Pokémon Go uses a different system, which is one Pokéstop or Gym per Level 17 S2 Cell. More about this system can be found here. This means that two Pokéstops/Gyms can potentially be much closer together than the 20 metre rule that’s used in Ingress.
Lightship has no proximity rules, as mentioned above, and it’s Lightship that you’re nominating for, not any of the games. So if you nominate something and it gets accepted, it will always be added to Lightship, but it wouldn’t be in Ingress specifically if it was within 20 metres of an existing Ingress Portal. If it didn’t appear in Ingress and you tried to nominate it again, reviewers would see it as a duplicate.
That’s true. The User Experience in games for nomination is immersive to the game.
But Niantic has told the Wayfarer community that they now have the Lightship database to store all accepted wayspots.
From observation the player community at large has noted that there are different inclusion rules for each of the current games. The only one (I think) that Niantic has spoken about publicly is the 20 meter rule for choosing Ingress Portals. Everything else is based on player observation.